Youthreach Bandon offers a vast range of Nationally Accredited QQI subjects at level 3 & 4 which enables you to go to a PLC college.
Aims of the Centre:
Bandon Youthreach aims to provide quality education while supporting the personal and social development of our students in a respectful, safe and nurturing learning environment.
Youthreach is an integral part of the national programme of second-chance education and training in Ireland and is a central part of the Government's contribution to the achievement of a lifelong learning society.
The programme is directed at unemployed young and early school leavers aged 16-20. It offers participants the opportunity to identify and pursue viable options within adult life and provides them with opportunities to get certification. It operates on a full-time, year-round basis
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facebook.comThank you Ballyhass Mallow for a great day on Thursday. We had great fun!
Back to School!! Enjoy your last two days off and we will see you at 10am on Wednesday!! It's going to be an exciting year
Youthreach Bandon is officially closed for the summer. We are open again on the 28th August. New applications can be made from the 21st August. Enjoy your summer break!
Go Karting tomorrow in Adventure Park at Kartworld Cork. Last day of adventure before summer holidays!
Best Things to do in Cork City, Bowling and Family Entertainment Centre
Heading to the Planet Entertainment Centre Cork tomorrow. We're curious to see their new 9D Cinema!!
Explore Fortress Spike | Spike Island
Heading to Fortress Spike Island, Cork tomorrow. This is such a great experience so we're very excited and hoping for sunshine!
Cork City Gaol - Heritage Centre
Heading to Cork City Gaol tomorrow. Looking forward to visiting and leaving!
Development Education Arts Project Cork
We are with Mind the Gap today in Cork city. What a great experience and we are very lucky to have them in Cork. Thank you.
If you see us in Bandon tomorrow collecting for Cork Simon Community, please be generous, we know you want to! It's for such a great cause.
We're heading to Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre Thursday to go kayaking and power boating. Please bring a change of clothes and a towel!
National Youthreach Evaluation Report Confirms Programmes Success On Monday June 17th the Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. launched the publication of an independent evaluation of the Youthreach/CTC national programmes. Carried out on behalf of SOLAS by the ESRI, the evaluation demonstrates a detailed insight into Youthreach/CTC provision. The findings highlight the distinctive nature of the Youthreach programme and its inherent value in engaging and supporting young learners who experience multiple disadvantage within society.
Photos from Youthreach Bandon Co. Cork's post
Some more masterpieces for Bandon town......