We are selling food, hot and cold drinks and provide sport billiard tables.
servis alat alat elektronik rumah tangga, kantor, atau usaha. spesialis servis TV LCD, LED, CRT kulkas dan mesin cuci prakitan sound system, audio mobil
A uniquely traditional wellness retreat resort in the countryside of Ubud, Bali. Open and offering retreat every weeks starts on the 1st of October 2016.
Info prawedding . Dokumentasi Cp : mank_ light Hp : 081999964770 E-mail : suparsa.lighteyes@gmail.com Pin : 76b715e5 .5BD411A2
Sekolah ini bertempat di Suly Resort & Spa. Kurang lebih 20 meter sebelah selatan Warung Makan Babi Guling Bu Oka.
Your perfect Balinese idyllic sanctuary. Omah Apik is more than just your ordinary bed & breakfast; tranquility at its best.
Restaurant, Café, and Artisan French Bakery located on the outskirts of Ubud.
Sekeha Teruna Teruni Dharma Yowana Santhi. Berdiri sejak tanggal 08 Juni 1981.
Bali Ubud Tour is, travel agents in Bali. We offer vacation packages include: daily tours, as well as a complete vacation package with hotel. Which is cert
Jannata Resort and Spa, Ubud - Bali "RECONNECT WITH NATURE"
GOYA BOUTIQUE RESORT Located in the heart of Ubud, the artisan village of Bali with modern simplicity meets Balinese harmony
Accommodation, restaurant and public pool with the rice field view.
Discover Beauty in our Environment …it's a holiday ...it's a rejuvenation …it's beautiful
Petulu village name of Our villa jj location only ten minutes driver from ubud center, petulu is a piace (Banjar) that is located in cool and leafy village
Ten villas with valley views above the Petanu River, Ubud Dedari Villas are perfect for a rejuvenating break.
Bali Great Travel provides Bali Tour - Guide and Driver with competitive price and professional service. Bali Tour Packages to explore the island
Jero Dalem Samprangan
good view, free swim, located in the middle of rice fields
Solusi kenangan anda menjadi abadi
#enak #mudah #jaen #warung #musik #lifeMusic #cheap #cafe #murah #angkringan #ubud #jamming #party #food #drink #peliatan #akustik #rujak #coffe #nongkrong
Menyediakan makanan dan minuman tanpa penyedap dan pemanis buatan. Free Wifi!!!
Taste authentic Balinese food overlooking rice fields
Kami menjual berbagai kerajinan tangan yang dibuat dari ate/rotan dan sulaman bambu. menerima juga service / cat sokasi dan dulang Bali. info bbm 5BB5A5F5
bali botanica day spa : Where hands meet with the heart
Pura Dalem Swargan merupakan Pura Pemaksan, yang terletak di wilayah Br. Kembangsari, Desa Blahkiuh, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Badu
Privat Villa, dengan kolam renang yang besar dan suasana alam yang eksotis.. Serta pelayanan staff yang ramah..
Private villa in Ubud, Bali. Two bedroom, Living &dining, Pool, full view of rice fields. バリ島ウブドの田園風景を見渡せる、一棟貸切りヴィラ。2ベッドルーム、リビング・ダイニング、プライベートプール。
The place for fresh food prepared like it should be, ice cold fruit juices, milkshakes and voted one of the best places to drink coffee in Bali.
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A nice place for your holiday escape