Makalehi Island is one of the outer Islands in Indonesia that administratively located in West Siau sub-district, Sitaro regency, North Sulawesi
Since 1880, Warde has been the leading name in the world textiles, furniture fabrics, and curtains. It offers a huge selection of the finest patterned and classical fabrics.
Come, enjoy and learn about all about robusta coffee, its organic plantations and how to create any varians of coffee drinks
Pool and cafe
BumiHijauTV - beaming social goodness to the far corners of the world's most awesome archipelago. Join us to see and be the change you want in the world!
BLUE CORNER DIVE LEMBONGAN... Located on Nusa Lembongan Island in Bali. Beach side dive centre, bar, and cottages! Guided dive tours and professional scuba training on some of SouthEast Asia's BEST coral reefs!
Private kitchen cooking authentic mostly Chinese [non-halal] dishes that use decades-old recipe passed down from Grandpa
Museum Angkut Plus dari Jawa Timur Park Group: perpaduan antara Edukasi, Hobby, Koleksi, Komunitas serta Legenda Movie Star dunia disajikan dg cara unik.
Rumah Makan Ikan Mas & Gurame
Medan's newest Exciting Entertainment & Shopping Mall
tentang baju kemeja biru dongker
Piano Bar & Grill - Live Music Every Night
Menyediakan pelayanan perawatan kulit wajah, tubuh dan rambut bagi wanita, pria dan anak-anak.
Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan kesenian di Bali di bawah pembinaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional-Ministry of National Education, Indonesia.
Conceptually Modern; Forever Balinese
Griya Santrian is a 4-star beach resort, located on a white sand stretch of Sanur beach and is within easy walking distance to local shops.
bali botanica day spa : Where hands meet with the heart
Private villa in Ubud, Bali. Two bedroom, Living &dining, Pool, full view of rice fields. バリ島ウブドの田園風景を見渡せる、一棟貸切りヴィラ。2ベッドルーム、リビング・ダイニング、プライベートプール。
Privat Villa, dengan kolam renang yang besar dan suasana alam yang eksotis.. Serta pelayanan staff yang ramah..
studio tattoo
SMK Pariwisata Ganesha Ubud (UnOfficial) Untuk yg Official : Facebook Twitter @SMKGaneshaUbud Gmail
Pura Dalem Swargan merupakan Pura Pemaksan, yang terletak di wilayah Br. Kembangsari, Desa Blahkiuh, Kecamatan Abiansemal, Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Badu
The place for fresh food prepared like it should be, ice cold fruit juices, milkshakes and voted one of the best places to drink coffee in Bali.
Sekeha Teruna Teruni Dharma Yowana Santhi. Berdiri sejak tanggal 08 Juni 1981.