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Ringroad City Walks

Jl. Ringroad No 28, Medan, Indonesia
Shopping Mall



Medan's newest Exciting Entertainment & Shopping Mall Ringroad City Walks menghadirkan konsep social lifestyle dan entertainment sebagai wadah tempat berkumpul dan bersosialisasi untuk menjauhkan serta menghilangkan kepenatan dan kejenuhan dari kesibukan sehari-hari Anda.

Nikmatilah pengalaman berbelanja yang berkesan dan tak terlupakan di Ringroad City Walks.


We could eat this Fried Chicken with Sambal Matah for breakfast, lunch and dinner 😍 love the presentation so much! Try it at @sultantemedan on Ground Floor

Ayam Bakar Madu definitely the highlight of our special course menu curated by the amazing @dpenyetz.rrcitywalks kitchen staffs!

We can almost smell the weekend, can you? A few weekends ago we were here at @unclekgroup, chilling while enjoying a delectable Char Hor Fun with friends. Oh how we wish weekends were like this!

Are you a fan of #Moringa Body Mist too like @uchiet? Double tap if you are! Regram from @uchiet - I have a thing with Moringa. Selain wanginya ringan banget pas di-spray, aroma white floralnya juga fresh dan elegan. Salah satu produk The Body Shop yang suka aku bawa kemana-mana, pas di-spray ulang juga wanginya nggak berlebihan. 🌼 Kalo kamu, apa produk @thebodyshopindo favoritmu? 🌼 Yuk upload #selfie mu bersama produk #TheBodyShopIndo favorit beserta pengalaman/ceritamu yang paling berkesan! Jangan lupa gunakan #25YearsTheBodyShopIndo 🌼 Siapa tauuu kamu jadi salah satu pemenang mendapatkan iconic produk The Body Shop senilai Rp 2.5 Juta! @thebodyshopindo #beauty #blogger #beautyblogger #bodymist #bodyspray #moringa - #regrann

So many goodness in one jar: - #ecofriendly exfoliating beads (yay no harmful microbeads!) - Creamy scrubs to exfoliate your skin and reveal softer skin - enriched with #CommunityTrade Organic Olive Oil from Italy! @thebodyshopindo's iconic, award-winning #BodyScrub is perfect for a treat after a busy day :) Which Body Scrub is your favorite? #25YearsTheBodyShopIndo #25IconicProduct #Olive #BodyCare #BodyScrub #Scrub #Exfoliate #TheBodyShop #thebodyshopindo

Nothing like carrot cake to start the day! ☀️ Killiney on Level 2 serves really sweet, tasty carrot cake (black or white) that goes perfectly with any drink.

The powers of a man's mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks.

These days, Kaya Toast is considered as not only a breakfast dish but also a popular snack that delights tea breaks of office workers and recharges tired shoppers after a long shopping tour.

Tak punya banyak waktu untuk pergi sauna? Gunakan #therapybeautyslimsauna dari @jacotvs. Praktis melangsingkan tubuh, dan meremajakan kulit, dirumah. #Jacotvs #jacoindonesia #therapybeautyslimsauna #saunabox #saunaportable #sauna #spa #slimmingsauna #kotaksauna

Relaksasi di rumah dengan #therapybeautyslimsauna , Sauna Box terbaru dari @jacotvs, dengan teknologi Sinar FAR Infrared hasilkan manfaat yang sama seperti sinar matahari. Dapatkan hanya di @jacotvs - Ground Floor #Jacotvs #jacoindonesia #therapybeautyslimsauna #saunabox #saunaportable #sauna #spa #slimmingsauna #kotaksauna

Sauna praktis dengan Sauna Box Portable #therapybeautyslimsauna, lebih hemat waktu, namun hasilnya tetap maksimal. Dapatkan di @jacotvs - Ground Floor #Jacotvs #jacoindonesia #therapybeautyslimsauna #saunabox #saunaportable #sauna #spa #slimmingsauna #kotaksauna

RINGROAD CITYWALKS XXI SHOWTIME - TUESDAY, 25th JULY 2017 | HTM: IDR 35.000 (REGULAR SHOW), IDR 60.000 (THE PREMIERE) #movie #showtime #cinema #cinemaxxi #cineplex #xxi #film #jadwaltayang #bioskop #ringroadcitywalks #nowplaying Beli tiket nonton dengan Kartu Debit/ Kredit minimal IDR 150rb bisa tukar dengan kupon undian #ShopperRewards. Tukarkan struk-nya di Cust. Service Ringroad City Walks (Ground Floor) sekarang!


NEAR Ringroad City Walks


Medan, Indonesia
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