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Belicious HK Limited

15/F., 80 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong



Belicious (HK) Ltd. imports & distributes Belgian Beers (bottled / kegged) in HK, Macau & South China. Looking for Craft Beers? IPA Beers? Premium Beers? Belgian Beers are always your choices!

Belicious (HK) Ltd. is the Sole Distributor of many different Belgian Beers in HK & Macau, let's check our partial stock list!

Draught (High Point) Beers:
- Augustijn Grand Cru (
- Brugse Zot Blond (
- Brugse Zot Brune (
- Gouden Carolus Classic (
- Gulden Draak (
- Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple (
- Kasteel Tripel (
- Piraat (
- Piraat Triple Hops (

Draught (Low Point) Beers:
- Bavik (
- Celis White (
- Sparta Pils (
- Wittekerke (

* Please call us for the details of the tap system installation.

Bottled Beers:
- Augustijn Blond
- Augustijn Dubbel
- Augustijn Grand Cru
- Bacchus
- Bavik
- Bornem Dubbel
- Bornem Tripel
- Brigand
- Brugse Zot Blonde
- Brugse Zot Brune
- Gouden Carolus Classic

- Gulden Draak
- Gulden Draak 9000 Quadruple
- Kasteel Blonde
- Kasteel Donker
- Kasteel Tripel
- Leute Bok
- Piraat
- St. Louis
- Straffe Hendrik Tripel
- Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel
- Wittekerke Wit

Welcome to call us for the full product list & price list!!!



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新年快樂! Belicious祝各位名「利」雙收、「時」運亨通!朝朝有酒鷄超醉! Happy Chinese New Year! We wish you good luck!

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【圖輯】比利時P圖「大師」歡別奧巴馬 幾可亂真笑死網民

Key 埋杯比利時啤酒咪完美囉~~

Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司

Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司

Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's cover photo

Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's cover photo

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Belicious祝各位新年快樂! 新年就緊喺要飲我哋嘅啤酒啦! Happy New Year! Let's celebrate with our beers!

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Belicious祝各位聖誕快樂! 聖誕有冇飲我哋嘅啤酒啊? Merry Christmas! Let's celebrate with our beers!

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Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

【Belgian Craft Beer @ 大金納涼節 】 我哋Belicious 好榮幸能夠喺12月為大金納涼節提供啤酒,望到條龍就知我哋嘅Gulden Draak 真係好受歡迎,希望我哋嘅啤酒可以為大家喺呢個活動中增添更加多嘅歡樂! 如果各位飲完仲想飲嘅話,其實可以喺City'super 或者Ztore買噃幾枝擺喺雪櫃,咁聖誕節個陣就可以慢慢嘆啦! We are so proud to be beer supplier for Daikin Festival in December, the never-ending queue shows people really like Gulden Draak beer. We hope you can enjoy the event with our beer! Welcome to go to City'super or Ztore to get more and fill up your refrigerator for Christmas!

Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

雜貨月刊11月號有國際級啤酒專家 - 方啓聰 - 介紹不同比利時啤酒風格, 仲feature左我哋嘅Celis White、Paljas、Piraat、Brugse Zot同埋Kasteel啦。 想了解多啲你哋鐘意嘅比利時啤酒嘅種類風格,咁就快啲click入嚟睇下啤酒維基方老師點樣講解啦。 To know more Belgian Beers' styles and tastes, here's the interview with BJCP judge Tomy Fong in Grocery Trade Magazine issue 11, featuring with our beers Celis White, Paljas, Piraat, Brugse Zot and Kasteel.

Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

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[Set 裝士多有得賣啦!] 我哋最受歡迎嘅比利時手工啤酒Bundle Set經已上架,想一次過試齊幾隻口味,即刻去士多入貨啦: [Bundle Set Available at Ztore] Our popular bundle set of Belgian Craft Beer is now listed on 士多 Ztore ! Want to try it all? Buy now at :

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Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

【Belicious @ 香港高爾夫球公開賽2016】 我哋已經嚟到香港高爾夫球公開賽 2016啦!未來三日我哋都會係到同大家一齊玩架,記得嚟搵我哋啦! 【Belicious @ UBS Hong Kong Open 2016】 It’s a beautiful day! Let’s drop by our bar at UBS Hong Kong Open 2016 and have fun with us in this weekend!

Photos from Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's post

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【比利時手工啤酒聖誕歡「醉」夜 @Belgica 】 上次比利時手工啤酒之夜大家都玩得好開心,Miss左嘅朋友唔緊要! 機會又黎啦~~~~ 喺今個月嘅29號,襯住聖誕,黎Belgica一齊又食又玩啦! 當晚依然會有獲得BJCP*認證啤酒評審 Tomy方啟聰先生同我哋講解比利時手工啤酒嘅特色、味道同埋釀造方法等相關知識,除咗可以即場試飲啤酒,當然唔少得比利時特色小食啦,仲會有抽獎環節添,千祈唔好錯過呀! 有興趣嘅朋友快啲打2817 - 7717向Belgica職員報名啦! 更多詳情: *BJCP: 中文為國際認可啤酒評審協會,創建於美國,是一個具公信力的國際啤酒評審認證。 【Christmas Beer Caroling @Belgica 】 Here come the long waited Belgian Craft Beer Tasting Night. Thanks to the success of last time, we are going to encore the beer night for our fans! Do not miss it this time! On 29 December, we have invited Tomy Fong again, the Certified Beer Judge of BJCP*, to give us more ideas about Belgian Craft Beer in Belgica! Together with the Belgian Beers, we will also serve some Belgian Special snacks. Of cause also the lucky draw! Grab the chance and reserve your seat right now at 2817-7717 for this awesome workshop! For more details: *BJCP stands for Beer Judge Certification Program. Found in USA, is the most widely recognized beer judging qualification in the world.

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Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's cover photo

Belicious HK Limited - 比利時手工啤酒有限公司's cover photo
