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位處香港心臟沿岸地帶的香港會議展覽中心 (簡稱「會展中心」),於1988年開幕,是一所佔地廣達306,000平方米的會議及展覽設施,提供91,500平方米可租用面積。會展中心的業權由香港政府 和香港貿易發展局共同擁有。
About the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
This award-winning 306,000 sqm building, first opened in 1988, offers 91,500 sqm of rentable space. An iconic Hong Kong landmark, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (‘HKCEC’) is located on a prime waterfront site in the central business district of Hong Kong. It is owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
About Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited (‘HML’) is a professional private management and operating company responsible for providing day to day management for the HKCEC, where it oversees administration, marketing, booking, scheduling, event co-ordination, maintenance and security. It also manages food and beverage operations at the HKCEC, including restaurants and catering services. HML provides world-class services for users, visitors and guests of the HKCEC, a venue which has been consistently awarded the title of ‘Best Convention and Exhibition Centre in Asia’ by leading industry professionals. Over 1,200 events are held at the HKCEC every year, including exhibitions, conferences, corporate meetings, entertainment events, seminars and banquets. These events contribute significant economic benefits to the city, and help raise the international image of Hong Kong.
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