Since 2004,獨創極速2小時新派局部車身修色、全車轉啞色、呔鈴轉色及修補、迫力掣轉色、薰黑頭尾燈、皮位翻新、汽車美容、鍍膜Coating、汽車維修驗車等服務,長達18個月漆面品質保用
A brand new food & beverage concept with story behind
Koncepte Films is a video agency specialising in corporate films, event videos and time-lapse productions.
本店營業時間為每日傍晚6:00至凌晨2:30,訂座電話:66956482,歡迎whatapp 或來電查詢
You will always be WELCOMED ~~~
提供: 意式咖啡、特色飲品、早午餐、窩夫、曲奇、甜品、蛋糕、Free Wifi
寵物美容, 寵物用品
Elsa High School of Hong Kong is East Asia's first and only Jewish International High School.
Established in 1986, the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care (SPHC) is committed to promoting hospice and palliative care in Hong Kong.
本店所出售貨品絕對是100%正貨 顧客可以whatsapp(6622-8318)或inbox message聯絡我們。歡迎各位查詢及預訂 本店現已設立香港,澳門,中國大陸,台灣及馬來西亞銀行戶口! 方便以上國家的顧客入帳
Innovative veggie food to spin for a healthy green life! 提位一系列健康有營西式素食(蛋奶素)
Wadah silaturahmi..berbagi ilmu/ketrampilan..saling support untuk pengembangn usaha anggota supaya mencapai kesuksesan bersama
Holiday Express Travel Service Ltd 是具規模及集合酒店、機票、自遊行、遊艇及旅遊服務的一站式旅行社。 HSBC a/c: 400-379988-838 BOC a/c: 012-676-100-84963 Visa/Master/AE/Paypal with 3.5% handling
「為市民提供優質全面的護理服務」 “Provide Excellent Quality of Nursing Care Services” 服務範圍包括專業傷口護理,安排私家醫護人員,提供訓練課程等等一站式服務。歡迎查詢。
With its elevated location directly above the South China Sea, the Upper Garden is an unparalleled outdoor venue located in Hong Kong's Clearwater Bay.
Welcome to Autorbit. Please pay us a visit! Shop G9, Young City Zone, Ground Floor, Yan On Building, 1 Kwong Wa Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Voted 'best people watching spot in Hong Kong', come by for a drink or two and feel at home with our friendly staff + neighbourhood atmosphere.