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The Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店

69 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong



The Royal Garden is a five star Hong Kong hotel situated in the business district of Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. 帝苑酒店是位於九龍尖沙咀東部商業區的五星級酒店,附近名店、娛樂場所及餐廳林立。



【帝苑酒店J’s酒吧 免費送你特選飲品!】 位於尖沙咀的帝苑酒店最近開了全新J’s酒吧,裝潢型格摩登,是城中喝酒聊天的最新熱點!Tag你最想邀請到J’s 酒吧的朋友並告訴我們原因,即有機會免費獲贈特選飲品兩杯(名額共25名)。 遊戲玩法: 1. 讚好The Royal Garden 香港帝苑酒店 專頁及此post。 2. Tag 2個Facebook 朋友。 3. 於此post留言告訴我們你想邀請他們的原因。 25位留言最具心思而又被選中的參加者,可獲贈J’s酒吧特選飲品兩杯。 遊戲日期:2017年11月9日至11月15日中午12時(以香港時間為準) 條款及細則:

J's酒吧除了主打的雞尾酒外,於食物上亦花了不少心思。如迷你和牛漢堡及慢煮處理的炸魷魚等,均令食客一試難忘。感謝 飲食男女 的介紹。查詢/訂座: 2733 2088 Apart from the extraordinary cocktails, J's Bar Bistro is also serving some impressive food. Check the introduction from Eat & Travel Weekly to learn more. Enquiries/Reservations: 2733 2088 #theroyalgarden #Jsbarbistro #tst #hongkong #cocktail #finedining #drinks #happyhour #帝苑酒店 #Js酒吧 #尖沙咀 #美食 #香港 #飲食男女

萬聖節快樂! 帝苑餅店的可愛造型蛋糕會否令你不捨得吃下? 查詢: 2733 2045 Happy Halloween! Celebrate with the spooky yet cute cakes from Fine Foods. Enquiries: 2733 2045 #theroyalgarden #halloween #festival #hongkong #tst #cake #dessert #bakery #finefoods #帝苑酒店 #帝苑餅店 #萬聖節 #蛋糕 #可愛 #甜品 #節日

J’s 酒吧於每天下午4時至8時的歡樂時光時段,所有特選飲品買一送一! 今天就到最新開業的J’s酒吧享受特色飲品,美食及音樂! 查詢/訂座: 2733 2088 Enjoy buy 1 get 1 free house selected drink at J’s Bar Bistro every day at 4 – 8pm! Swing by and indulge in the special drinks and relaxing atmosphere. Enquiries/reservations: 2733 2088 #theroyalgarden #jsbar #bar #drink #cocktail #western #happyhour #TGIF #Friday #TST #hongkong #帝苑酒店 #尖沙咀 #酒吧 #雞尾酒 #歡樂時光 #美食

白松露時季來臨。Sabatini意大利餐廳為您準備了來自阿爾巴的白松露,並製作了多款令人無法抵抗的菜式。包括最受歡迎的白松露自家制幼麵伴松露牛油配巴馬臣芝士、炒有機意大利蛋伴脆多士配白松露及白松露雪糕等。訂座: 2733 2000 It is the time of the year again to savour some premium white truffles. Sabatini Ristorante Italiano has prepared a seasonal menu using white truffles from Alba. Highlights include Home Made Tagliolini with Truffle Butter, Parmesan Cheese and White Truffle, Organic Italian Scrambled Eggs on Toast with Shaved White Truffle and White Truffle Ice Cream. Reservations: 2733 2000 #theroaylgarden #sabatini #italy #italian #whitetruffle #seasonal #pasta #truffle #帝苑酒店 #意大利 #白松露 #時令 #意粉

The new J's Bar Bistro is soft opened today. Take a sip of the extraordinary signature cocktails and savour the light causal menu with your friends. Opening hours: 4pm~12am daily 全新J’s酒吧今日正式試業,裝潢摩登型格,走法式小餐館路線,以摩登家常法國菜、歐陸式小食、時尚雞尾酒作主打。快約朋友來喝酒聊天! 營業時間: 下午4時至晚上12時 #theroyalgarden #bar #bistro #drinks #happyhour #cocktails #french #relax #hongkong #tsimshatsui #discoverhongkong #帝苑酒店 #尖沙咀 #香港 #酒吧 #雞尾酒

帝苑酒店舒適豪華的房間令住客可完全放鬆,享受「如在家一般舒適」的體驗。觀看我們為你準備的短片,了解更多。 Luxurious and comfortable rooms at The Royal Garden makes us a true ‘home away from home’. Check the official hotel video and learn more about our rooms. #theroyalgarden #hotel #hongkong #comfortable #travel #relax #home #journey #trip #design #帝苑酒店 #舒適 #旅遊 #香港 #設計

中秋節快樂! 趁著明天的公眾假期,與家人好友團聚吃飯。帝苑軒的特色順德菜或許是個不錯的選擇 - 蜆蚧鯪魚球、生拆魚雲羹及柱侯牛腩蒸陳村粉等定能讓你回味無窮。看看明報的介紹,及致電2724 2666訂座。 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! It’s public holiday tomorrow, why don’t you gather with your family at The Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant? The Shunde speciality menu highlighting Deep-fried Minced Mud Crap Balls, Boiled Fish Head Soup and Steamed Rice Noodles with Braised OX Brisket are not to be missed. Reservations: 2724 2666 #theroyalgarden #RGCR #chinese #festival #midautumn #family #gathering #shunde #traditional #帝苑酒店 #帝苑軒 #順德 #特色 #美食 #中秋節 #家庭 #飲茶 #明報

帝苑餅店的創新月餅蛋糕載譽歸來! 這款造型精緻的月餅蛋糕分別是柚子及黑芝麻味,中秋佳節除了傳統月餅外,月餅蛋糕同樣深得大人小朋友歡心! 兩款節日限定月餅蛋糕由即日起至10月5日供應。查詢: 2733 2045 Innovative “Moon-cake” are back at Fine Foods! The one-of-a-kind Yuzu/Black sesame mooncake pastries are not to be missed in the Mid-Autumn festival! Available at the Fine Foods Shop from now until 5 Oct. For enquiries: 2733 2045 #theroyalgarden #finefoods #hongkong #tsimshatsui #midautumn #festive #mooncake #pastry #unique #bakery #帝苑酒店 #帝苑餅店 #中秋節 #月餅 #蛋糕 #創新

東來順推出一系列麻辣風味菜式,以不同特性的辣椒如野山椒、泡椒、杭椒、指天椒、乾椒、花椒等來炮製,嗜辣的你一定不能錯過! 立即看看人氣美食博客甜魔媽媽的分享,並致電2733 2020訂座! The new Hot & Spicy Specialties from Dong Lai Shun are here for the spicy lovers! Read the recommendation from popular food blogger - 甜魔媽媽 and book now at 2733 2020. #theroyalgarden #donglaishun #spicy #chilli #promotion #yummy #food #帝苑酒店 #東來順 #麻辣 #美食 #刺激

TGIF! 星期五到了,品嘗一口帝苑餅店的士多啤梨乳酪慕絲,好好放縱一下。查詢: 2733 2045 TGIF! Enjoy the strawberry yogurt mousse from Fine Foods and relax yourself! Enquiries: 2733 2045 #theroyalgarden #finefoods #cake #bakery #dessert #Friday #strawberry #tgif #帝苑酒店 #帝苑餅店 #蛋糕 #甜品

看看帝苑軒總廚何偉成師傅於飲食男女的教學,學煮滋味芫荽皮蛋斑片湯! Check the video from Eat & Travel Weekly and learn how to make the yummy Coriander and fish soup from Executive Chef Ho of The Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant. #theroyalgarden #RGCR #chinese #soup #Coriander #yummy #帝苑酒店 #帝苑軒 #芫荽 #教學 #飲食男女
