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Invention & Intervention

Level LG2, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue,, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Museum/art gallery



科技進駐改善生活,同時亦介入城市人的生活。由香港藝術發展局主辦,Microwave打造的「發明π – 香港新媒體藝術樂園」以「Invention and Intervention」為主題,糅合科技及創意。新媒體藝術利用非傳統介面展現藝術,通過不同形式傳遞訊息,同時收集觀眾反應,並不斷演變藝術所呈現的面貌。通過與觀眾互動,新媒體藝術釋出現場觀感,反思科技介入你我生活的影響。在這裡,藝術家就是「發明派」,革新發明讓概念及作品遊走於藝術、科技與生活之間,造就一場新媒體藝術的盛夏派對。

「發明π」展出五組由本港培育、近年躍升國際之香港新媒體藝術家的藝術裝置,以互動新媒介演繹及收集對於科技介入你我生活的反思。五位參展香港新媒體藝術家為:Chris Cheung, Keith Lam, Miu Ling Lam, Teddy Lo 及 Samson Young。

INVENTION & INTERVENTION illustrates the nature and role of New Media Art in our daily lives; technology itself is an invention, which intervenes with our perception towards the entire world. New Media Art represents the best blend of technology and creative ideas, and grows based on the platform and principles of invention and intervention. Hong Kong’s New Media Art field is getting more and more mature, in which five emerging New Media Art stars are participating in this power showcase. Their artworks and performances are conceptually strong in illustrating the nature of New Media Art. In the summer of 2011, with the greatest support from the presenter the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Microwave is proud to organize the largest platform of local New Media Art for the public. In this growing platform, we are going to invent the new, reinvent the art and intervene in the social, spatial and algorithmic poetics.



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