We are located at Ma On Shan Whatsapp 6607 8361
PaMa Club Kids Store is an online store provides variety of products import from overseas such as USA, UK, and Australia.
飛魚製作(Flying Fish Production)是一所多元功能的服務公司,為創意媒體的推崇者。透過媒體策劃,創意設計及資訊科技開發,支援不同公司團體的網上市場推廣及管理社交平台的服務。
開放時間: 星期一至星期六 早上8:00至下午6:00(公眾假期除外) 星期五加開晚上6:00-10:00 中心網站: http://mosdecc.elchk.org.hk/
We would like to offer you a special, fascinating, and art-natural space which is around metro Tai Shui Hang Station, nearby the bus Terminus in N.T, HK
Greetings, we are "Radiance", the second SA Candidate Cabinet of 2014-2015 Tak Sun Secondary School. Instagram page: tsss_radiance1415
泰屋泰菜 House BBQ 營業時間 : 1230 - 2330 地道泰國菜 - 正宗泰國廚師主理
The 11th International Conference of IEATA第十一屆國際表達藝術治療協會國際會議 THE FLOWING TAO of Expressive Arts 表達藝術.順道流形 6-7 Pre-conference預備會議 8-10 Conference會議
Established in year 2000, we are group of professional teachers and psychologists providing high quality of teaching and education psychological services.
MC MUSIC美斯音樂學院是一間專業、星級、豪華及現代化的音樂學院,學院分別設在九龍區及新界區,設備突破及媲美傳統琴行,加上星級導師團執教,是學習樂器的第一選擇。
Moment and Future 課程種類多元化,除了劍橋YLE英語課程及拼音課程外,我們更有不同的專科及興趣課程。導師師資卓越,除了大學學位的導師外,部份更擁有碩士或其他教育資格。
盈福28 位於銅鑼灣地段,主打摩登中式粵菜、點心。 加上,在新式的裝潢下品嚐特色的點心,給客人另類的中菜體驗。
零售日本時裝, 如果有興趣可以聯絡96547708或親身到大埔廣場二樓親自選購。歡迎查詢(:
We strive to provide every one of our customers with the highest quality products possible. weather you are a cook or simply an Indian food lover, hawk organic foods is the solution.
Award winning design architect
歡迎光臨colorful house^^ 本店全部貨品都親自揀選,貨品與相片都一樣,絕無花巧。貨品全部由韓國到港,訂購時間為3-7天 如欲訂購或查詢,可PM /Whatsapp : 92000843
OBHK is the first officially accredited outdoor experiential education organistion within Asia. Accredited by the Association for Experiential Education.
NEW venue for music lovers & BANDS ! 歡迎 BOOK 場 & 睇 Band show !!