屢獲殊榮的8度海逸酒店 Award winning Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees The award-winning Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees is located at the middle of Kowloon, near the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and Mongkok area, it is minutes away from Tsimshatsui shopping and local sightseeing destinations, which are conveniently reachable by free hotel shuttle bus. Features 704 tastefully designed guestrooms and suites with Wi-Fi access and handy Smartphone services, a renowned lobby with utmost innovation, stylish restaurant featuring international cuisine, outdoor bar & dining, well-equipped Fitness Centre, relaxing sauna and outdoor swimming pool surrounded by a lush landscape. Accomplished by the hospitable service and excellent facilities, the hotel is ideal for all business, MICE, leisure and family travelers looking for comfortable and attractive accommodation.
屢奪殊榮的8度海逸酒店位於九龍中心位置,鄰近啟德郵輪碼頭及旺角購物區,酒店設免費穿梭巴士,數分鐘直達尖沙嘴購物娛樂中心及旅遊名勝區域,交通十分便利。酒店擁有704間設計雅緻舒適,備有無線上網及handy 智能手機服務的客房及套房,大堂傾斜的設計新穎大膽,設有兩間提供環宇美食的頂級食府,一間特色酒吧,設備完善的健身中心,富有自然氣息的室外游泳池及桑拿。酒店設施完善及服務殷勤細緻,定能為商務或休閒旅客帶來舒適的住宿體驗。
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盡享輕怡健康的早餐,精神煥發地開始新一天。 Start a brand new day with a lovely breakfast!
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祝天下所有媽媽度過溫馨又幸福的母親節! To all the mothers and soon-to-be mothers who give us life and love, happy mother's day!
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恭喜8度餐廳連續第6年獲U Magazine 我最喜愛食肆選舉選為「我最喜愛的自助餐餐廳」!感謝各位投票支持,我們會繼續努力,為大家帶來更多美味的菜式及優質的服務。 Congratulate Café 8 Degrees on being awarded as “U Favorite Buffet” for the 6th consecutive year by U Magazine U Favourite Food Awards. Thank you for voting us. Café 8 Degrees will continue to strive for more delectable delicacies and excellent service. #HP8D #Café8Degrees #Buffet #UFavouriteFoodAward
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為媽媽送上母親節限定鮮芒果法國忌廉蛋糕,鮮甜芒果粒與綿軟的海綿蛋糕層層相間,配以優雅玫瑰造型淡忌廉唧花,讓媽媽笑逐顏開。於咖啡閣有售,每磅港幣$268。 於酒店eShop訂購可享85折優惠: 訂座 / 查詢:2126 1960 Enchant your mum with our Mother’s Day Exclusive Mango Cream Delight. Fresh mango and whipped cream layer with cotton-like sponge cake, elegantly hand-crafted with silky smooth whipped cream roses, a lovely and creamy cake well set to melt your mum’s heart. Available at Café Corner, priced at HK$268/lb. Purchase at eShop to enjoy 15% off: RSVN / Info: Tel: 2126 1960
Instagram post by Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees • May 6, 2017 at 1:01am UTC
從晴朗的星期六出發。感謝分享這從酒店房間拍攝的照片。 Wake up to a sunny Saturday. Thanks for sharing this photo taken from our hotel room. 📷 credit: @rivuaille_0125 #morningmotivation #hotelview #harbourplaza8degrees #hp8d
Photos from Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees 8度海逸酒店's post
世上只有媽媽好~ 各位乖寶寶若要以美味佳餚答謝母親,絕對不要錯過8度餐廳的母親節窩心美饌。 母親節自助早午餐及晚餐特設滋潤海底椰川貝燉螺頭湯、養顏甜品冰糖雪耳燉雪梨及母親節限定鮮芒果法國忌廉蛋糕。自助晚餐時段,每位母親更可獲贈一個可愛小熊玩偶及一朵康乃馨,禮品數量有限,送完即止。還不快快訂座? 訂座 / 查詢:2126 1960 於酒店eShop預購5月13及14日的母親節美饌,可享9折優惠: Make this Mother's Day extra sweet with an extravagant feast at Cafe 8 Degrees. Pamper your mum with nourishing Double-boiled Soup with Conch & Sea Coconut Weed, sweet delight Double-boiled Pear with White Fungi & Rock Sugar and Mother’s Day Exclusive Mango Cream Delight at brunch buffet and dinner buffet . During dinner buffet, each mother will receive a lovely teddy bear with a carnation. On first come first served basis, while stock lasts. Reserve your table now . Enjoy up to 10% off Mother’s Day delicacies on May 13 and 14 at hotel eShop: RSVN / Info: Tel: 2126 1960 #mothersday #cafe8degrees #hp8d #harbourplaza8degrees
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8度餐廳的自助早午餐提供多元化的美食,哪一款是您的最愛呢?😋 心動不如行動,馬上訂座明天就來享受自助早午餐吧! eShop: With the great selection of delicacies, what’s your favourite brunch choice at Café 8 Degrees?😋 Reserve a seat at our eShop and enjoy brunch tomorrow! eShop: #cafe8degrees #HP8D #brunch
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今天要好好獎勵自己,享受勞動的成果! 勞動節快樂! Work a little less, Play a little more Happy Labour Day!
Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees 8度海逸酒店's cover photo
完美的假期就是要與好姊妹們一邊談心,一邊享用下午茶美點!把握最後一周的機會,品嚐8度海逸酒店聯乘SKINFOOD推出的柚子清新下午茶吧! 立即致電 2126 1960 訂座 或 於eShop預訂享73折優惠: What's better than having delectable afternoon tea with BBFs for a perfect holiday? Just 1 Week left for the SKINFOOD inspired Yuja Refreshing Afternoon Tea promotion. Don't miss out! Book your table now: 2126 1960 or Purchase at eShop to enjoy 27% off : Photo credit: Ooonly4food #柚子清新下午茶 Skinfood Hong Kong
周末當然要讓肚皮放縱一番!來8度餐廳 享用源源不絕的「瀛味」燒物及香煎鵝肝! 熱愛美食的您千萬不要錯過! 現在就致電 2126 1960 或到eShop訂座享85折優惠吧! eShop: Spoil yourself at our Robatayaki Dinner Buffet at Café 8 Degrees with our irresistible all-you-can-eat seafood and pan-fried Foie Gras! Book your table now at 2126 1960 or via eShop to enjoy 15% off! eShop: #DinnerBuffet #hp8d #cafe8degrees
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祝各位復活節快樂! We wish you a fabulous #Easter filled with joy and happiness!
내일은 비 No....o..0..🙏🏻 홍콩인데 왜추웡😩


原來睇住自己真係fd既人結婚個種感覺都幾神奇 應該係我見過最sweet 既520😌 CONGRATULATIONS the prettiest bride❤️ @vikitinggg

5️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 去飲見到朋友仔👶🏻打聲招呼先👋🏻 #2m14d

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.🔝🆙🙏❤️ -CG #LiveToInspire #FaithCourageAction #elitedriven

Our room for the next 10 days!👈😍 Thank God for another blessings..🙏 #BusinessTrip #BigDayHongkong #elitedriven


520❤Wedding party🎀

. 姊妹裝出席Betsy&Terry婚宴❤ 祝新人永結同心,新婚快樂😘

Thanks for carrying us this semester 🅰️ #bestfreeridingexperience #savage #disaster

🌹5️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🌹 • • • #去婚禮沾下甜蜜福氣#我又sweet下先
