香港城市大學學生會仲裁委員會 CityU SU Arbitration Committee
Official CityUSU Arbitration Committee Facebook page. 仲裁委員會 (Arbitration Committee 仲委會)是香港城市大學學生會的仲裁機構,完全獨立於幹事會及評議會。
Arbitration Committee is the arbitrate body of the City
University of Hong Kong Student's Union. It is completely independent from the Executive Committee and Council.
Established pursuant to Student Union Constitution Section 6, as a principal organization, we responsible for all arbitration and interpretation affairs of the Union, handle all disputes and complaints inside the Union, interpret the Constitution, the by-laws of the Union, the resolutions of the Council and the regulations formulated by the Executive Committee.
Arbitration Committee forms by Arbitrator, who is appointed by the Union Council or through the simplified appointment process. Though maintaining judicial independence and many concepts of the role of law, we safeguards the Constitutional rights of each the Student Union members.
Arbitration Committee will also review our works irregularly and forge ahead to be the best judiciary on handling disputes.
學生會會章 (pdf) (32th):
Constitution of City University of Hong Kong Student Union (pdf) (31th):
仲裁委員會職權範圍章及仲裁守則 (pdf) :
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facebook.com仲裁委員會於2017年11月24日下午8時40分,就2017年11月22日及11月23日舉行的第十八屆創意媒體學科聯會幹事會重選,接獲一項投訴,並於2017年11月25日作出以下連結內之命令: The Arbitration Committee has, on the 24th day of November 2017, at 8:40 p.m., received a Complaint, concerning the Re-Election of the 18th Executive Committee of the Creative Media Society held on the 22nd and 23rd days of November 2017, and has on the 25th day of November 2017 made the Order in the following link:
由於場地設施原因,ARBC 2/2017 2017年5月29日下午8時00分於R6159處理有關 Choi Chung Yiu (申請人) 的聆訊現改於 康樂樓 R6212 進行。
仲委會已排期於2017年5月29日下午8時00分於R6159處理有關 Choi Chung Yiu (申請人) 的訴訟。基本會員可出席旁聽。
仲委會已處理黃樂婷 (投訴人) 訴 第五屆科學及工程學院及學部聯會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的聆訊。 仲委會現頒下裁決通知書及理由。鑒於不少適用原則原以英文寫成,仲委會選擇以英文撰寫裁決通知書及理由。 連結:
致有關人士: In re Choi Chung Yiu (ARBC 2/2017) – 邀請提交陳詞 於2017年3月16日,一名基本會員 Mr CHOI Chung Yiu (“申請人”) 按學生會會章 (“會章”) 第6.4.2.1條、本仲裁委員會職權範圍章第12.條,及仲裁守則第12.1條,向本仲裁委員會申請作出一項諮詢意見 (“申請”),以解釋會章第9.4條及第9.9條。申請現被稱作In re Choi Chung Yiu (ARBC 2/2017)。 本仲裁委員會稍後將舉行一個以非常務會議形式舉行的聆訊以處理申請 (“聆訊”)。 由於首席仲裁員認為本程序或會對第三十二屆城市廣播構成直接影響,首席仲裁員命令第三十二屆城市廣播加入本程序為有利害關係的一方。 另外,由於首席仲裁員認為所有會員及各學生會組織在諮詢意見的程序中,均應獲作出陳述的機會,所以首席仲裁員亦命令本秘書處發出本通告,以便邀請所有會員及各學生會組織以介入者身份參與本程序。有意參與本程序者必須於2017年4月3日或之前以電郵通知仲裁委員會,並於2017年4月7日或之前以電郵存檔書面陳詞。有意加入者請參閱隨本通告夾附的命令以及該項申請。 本秘書處亦已按首席仲裁員命令就本案開設一名為 “ARBC 2-2017” 的 Google 雲端硬碟資料夾,以便利公眾查閱文件。該資料夾連結如下:。 2017年3月30日 仲裁委員會秘書處 To whom it may concern, In re Choi Chung Yiu (ARBC 2/2017) – Invitation for Submissions On the 16th day of March, 2017, a Full Member, Mr CHOI Chung Yiu (“the Applicant”), pursuant to Article of the Constitution of the Student’s Union (“the Constitution”), section of the Terms of Reference of this Arbitration Committee, and rule 12.1 of the Rules of Arbitration, applied to this Arbitration Committee for an Advisory Opinion on the interpretation of Article 9.4 and Article 9.9 of the Constitution (“the Application”). The Application is referred to as In re Choi Chung Yiu (ARBC 2/2017). A hearing in the form of an Extraordinary Arbitrate Meeting will be held later in order for this Arbitration Committee to deal with the Application (“the Hearing”). As it appeared to the Chief Arbitrator that these proceedings may directly affect the 32nd City Broadcasting Channel, the Chief Arbitrator has ordered the 32nd City Broadcasting Channel to join these proceedings as an Interested Party. Besides, as it further appeared to the Chief Arbitrator that every Member and Organisation of the Students’ Union should be given an opportunity to make representations in an application for Advisory Opinion, the Chief Arbitrator has also ordered this Secretariat to issue this present Notice in order to invite all Members and Organisations of the Students’ Union to join these proceedings as Intervener(s). Part(ies) intending to join shall indicate their intention to the Arbitration Committee through email on or before the 3rd day of April, 2017, and shall file Written Submissions to the Arbitration Committee through email on or before the 7th day of April, 2017. Part(ies) intending to join shall refer to the Order and the Application enclosed to this Notice. This Secretariat has also set up a Google Drive folder named as “ARBC 2-2017” for these proceedings as ordered by the Chief Arbitrator so as to allow the public to inspect documents. The link is as follows: Dated this 30th day of March, 2017. Secretariat of the Arbitration Committee
仲裁委員會於2017年3月10日下午6時8分,就2017年3月7日及3月8日舉行的第三十二屆公共行政學科聯會幹事會重選,接獲一項投訴,並於2017年3月11日作出以下連結內之命令: The Arbitration Committee has, on the 10th day of March 2017, at 8 past 6 o’clock in the afternoon, received a Complaint, concerning the Re-Election of the 32nd Executive Committee of the Public Administration Society held on the 8th and 9th days of March 2017, and has on the 11th day of March 2017 made the Order in the following link:
仲委會已排期於2017年2月24日下午6時30分於 AC2 1402 處理黃樂婷 (投訴人) 訴 第五屆科學及工程學院及學部聯會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的訴訟。基本會員可出席旁聽。
仲委會已於2016年12月20日下午7時30分於R6159處理夏淳權 (投訴人) 訴 第三十二屆公共行政學科聯會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的聆訊。 仲委會現頒下裁決通知書及理由。鑒於不少適用原則原以英文寫成,仲委會選擇以英文撰寫裁決通知書及理由。 連結:
仲委會已排期於2016年12月20日下午6時30分於R6159處理黃樂婷 (投訴人) 訴 第五屆科學及工程學院及學部聯會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的訴訟。基本會員可出席旁聽。 仲委會已排期於2016年12月20日下午7時30分於R6159處理夏淳權(投訴人) 訴 第三十二屆公共行政學科聯會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的訴訟。基本會員可出席旁聽。
For reference to the Terms of Reference and the Rules of Arbitration of the Arbitration Committee, please refer to the following link: 如需參閱仲裁委員會職權範圍章及仲裁守則,請見以下連結:
Notice on suspected unauthorised entry.pdf
(Updated) 致有關人士: 懷疑有人未經許可進入仲委辦公室 於今天2016年10月15日,本仲裁委員會發現懷疑有人未經許可進入仲裁委員會辦公室。本仲裁委員會發現辦公室內電器電線接駁被擅自改動,另外原處於書櫃內的印章亦無故出現在書檯上,而書檯上一個信封背面亦無故出現該印章的蓋印。 本仲裁委員會特此澄清,自2016年1月10日至今天,本仲裁委員會未有使用印章發出任何文件 (本通告除外) 。如有任何人發現近日發出,而又附有本仲裁委員會蓋印的文件,請立即透過電郵 與本仲裁委員會聯絡。 2016年10月15日 仲裁委員會 To whom it may concern, Re: Suspected Unauthorised Entry into the Arbitration Committee’s Office On this 15th day of October 2016, the Arbitration Committee has discovered a suspected unauthorised entry into the Arbitration Committee’s office. The Arbitration Committee has also discovered that the wire connection of the electrical appliances in the office has been changed, and that the stamp of the Arbitration Committee, which was originally placed inside the cupboard, has been found to exist on the desk in the office. It was also found that someone has used the said stamp to stamp on the back of an envelop on the desk. The Arbitration Committee hereby clarify that the Arbitration Committee has not issued any document with the said stamp since the 10th day of January 2016 until today (except this present notice). If any person sees any recently issued document with the stamp of the Arbitration Committee printed on, please immediately contact the Arbitration Committee by email at Dated this 15th day of October, 2016. The Arbitration Committee
仲委會已於2016年1月14日下午8時於R6159處理陳祉蒑 (投訴人) 訴 第三十一屆學生會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 及陳鈺儀 (投訴人) 訴 第三十一屆學生會大選委員會 (被投訴人) 的聆訊。 仲委會現頒下裁決通知書及理由。鑒於不少適用原則原以英文寫成,仲委會選擇以英文撰寫裁決通知書及理由。 由於本案牽涉眾多重要基本原則及對公眾利益有重大影響,仲委會將同時提供新聞摘要向各基本會員簡述各項原則。 連結: