本店所有貨品皆直接從日本供應商取貨, 保證原裝正版。顧客可到門市取貨,亦可使用郵寄或速遞服務。
Master of digital and ana-digital watches. We have production factory in China and provide high quality and efficient service to customer. Our philosophy is keep our customer happy and maintain business relationship in long term and growth.
古怪屋經營18年了 精湛手藝 給顧客質素的保證~ 本店設有 : 專業穿環 (針穿身體各位置 ) 永久紋身 (專業設計圖案/修改舊圖和復蓋疤痕) 臨時紋身 (手繪/henna) 敬請預約: facebook inbox & whatsapp
Elvis Lui Health Workshop 簡單。自然。美感。健康。靈性。
Spiritual and Fitness Center, aspires to help individuals establish and maintain an equilibrium between physical, mental and spirituality.