AWARD-WINNING PRODUCTS FROM A TRULY BRITISH BRAND In 1985, Aromatherapy Associates was established to share the benefits of aromatherapy through a range of therapeutic-grade products and treatments. The company has continued to develop and expand, and its products are now sold at exclusive hotels, spas and retail outlets in over 30 countries worldwide.
With experience in spas, therapy, product development and retail, Aromatherapy Associates understands spa from every angle, and develops therapist-inspired natural products that are as effective as they are luxurious. Rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, essential oils encourage radiant, healthy skin, working at a cellular level to keep the complexion soft and looking youthful. By harnessing their therapeutic properties, aromatherapy works to improve our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Aromatherapy Associates成立於1985年,提供一系列具理療級效用的產品及療程,將香熏治療益處帶給使用者。品牌持續研究及發展,現今其產品在全球超過30國家的指定酒店、水療中心及商店發售。
Aromatherapy Associates不論在產品研發、零售、水療以及香熏療程均具豐富的經驗,因此研製出高效且奢華的天然產品。天然植物精華油蘊含豐富營養及抗氧化成份,有助細胞更新,令肌膚保持柔軟及年輕;同時具治療功效,能有效地增強體魄、心理及精神健康。
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你有冇體驗過#AromatherapyAssociates 嘅 #RoseInfinity 魔法?只需要短短三個星期,就可以令你回復年輕光彩! Have you experienced the magic of #RoseInfinity with its #VisibleResults in 3 weeks? #LookYoung with a tap of this wand. #DNAtechnology
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你知唔知唔少英國皇室成員都係Aromatherapy Associates嘅粉絲嚟架!你又估唔估到係邊個呢? We hear that one or two of the royal household are a fan of Aromatherapy Associates… we wonder who?!
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夏天已經黎到!放工啦,快啲行出公司,花少少時間留意路邊嘅夏日花卉啦! Summer is now here! And it is time to go outside from the office, seek for some beautiful summer flowers on the road.
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早晨!一早起身梗係用Revive Morning Bath & Shower Oil 去提一提神先啦!而家買任何Revive系列產品兩件,就可獲贈Body Brush一支,送完即止。 Morning! Use Revive Morning Bath & Shower Oil as a revitalising morning pick-me-up. What's more? Buy any 2 of the Revive products this month and receive a complimentary Body Brush (while stocks last).
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母親節快樂! 恭喜以下得獎者獲得Aromatherapy Associates 嘅母親節禮物: Anne Wu Cheung Irene Janice Ho 請將你嘅全名、電話、email同地址傳送到,我哋會好快將Aromatherapy Associates 嘅母親節禮物寄比你! Happy Mother's Day! Congratulations to the following people who will be given Aromatherapy Associates pamper hamper: Anne Wu Cheung Irene Janice Ho Please email with your full name, contact number, email address and delivery address for us to deliver your Aromatherapy Associates pamper package.
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我哋預祝所有媽媽母親節快樂、健健康康、開開心心咁過每一日! To #mothers everywhere, we want to get in early and wish you all health and happiness.
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我哋嘅母親節比賽今個星期就完啦!唔好錯過贏取#AromatherapyAssociates 禮物嘅機會! We are closing our Mother's Day competition this week. Don't miss your chance to win #AromatherapyAssociates #PamperHamper
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媽媽陪你走過每一步… 藉母親節獎勵媽咪。 She's been there every step of the way… celebrate your mum this #MothersDay
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#AromatherapyAssociates 嘅愛的宣言… 依家就分享你對媽媽嘅愛啦! #AromatherapyAssociates declaration of love… now share your mother's love.
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玫瑰油嘅威力… 送玫瑰俾媽咪,令佢嘅皮膚後生返晒! 上載一張你同媽媽嘅相,連同#AromatherapyAssociates #ILoveMyMum 嘅hashtags,贏取母親節禮物。 The power of rose oil… Give your mum roses that revitalise her skin. Post a photo of you and your mum to win a Mother's Day gift set. Hashtag #AromatherapyAssociates #ILoveMyMum
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媽媽最鍾意畀仔女氹!而家送Overnight Repair Mask及Fine Line Face Oil比媽咪,就可獲贈Rose Radiance Skin Serum一支,全部都放喺一個精緻嘅紫色禮物盒度㗎! Treat your mum with Overnight Repair Mask and Fine Line Face Oil to receive a complimentary Rose Radiance Skin Serum all wrapped up in a beautiful box! #OvernightRepair #FacialMask #MothersDay #Gift #AromatherapyAssociates #AromaAssoAsia
Aromatherapy Associates' Geraldine Howard - Woman And Home
A touching tribute to our founder, Geraldine Howard. Thank you Woman and Home Magazine