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IVE Information Technology (Official)

Room 301, IVE(Chai Wan), 30 Shing Tai Road, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong



IVE - Information Technology 現今資訊科技發展迅速,應用遍及各行各業。因應各界對資訊科技專才的殷切需求,本學科提供一系列課程全面迎合 不同行業的需要,當中包括資訊及通訊科技與多媒體及娛樂科技兩大範疇。

資訊及通訊科技課程培育學生開發及管理各種軟件方案及網絡系統;多媒體及娛樂科技課程則讓學生充份掌握包括多媒體創作、虛 擬效果,數碼娛樂及電腦遊戲、動畫等創意工業中的重要技能。

學習期間,同學會被安排到本地及內地公司實習,讓同學早日了解行業環境、吸收實際工作經驗。歷屆畢業生均能適應行業內日新 月異的科技發展,充分證明他們早已具備崗位需要的技能。

Nowadays, the application of Information Technology is extended to encompass and support many industries in the commercial, private and public sectors in Hong Kong. To meet the growing demands for IT professionals from different sectors, a comprehensive suite of contemporary IT courses are designed and developed to serve specific market needs covering two broad areas: Information & Communications Technology and Multimedia & Entertainment Technology.

Information and Communications Technology courses prepare students to develop and administer different types of IT solutions and communication networks while Multimedia and Entertainment Technology courses prepare students for the creative industries like multimedia advertising, visual effects, multimedia web development, digital entertainment, computer games and animation.

Job placement will be arranged for students to familiarise themselves with the real-life working environment and their future workplace through which students gain practical and workplace experiences in both local and mainland companies. All graduates are well trained technically to adapt to fast changing technology and they are immediately ready for the workplace.



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