崔藹璇芭蕾舞學校 (Doris Chui School of Ballet) 創辦於2005年。舞出自信 “Dance with Confidence”為本校辨學理念,本校一直以積極的態度,培訓學員的自信,讓學員將優雅的舞蹈展現人前。
We sell general products as well as Vietnam specialty food.
Everyone can become "English Smart", given proper training and guidance. E-Smart Learning Centre has been trying to fulfill this vision since 1999.
本店選用來自美國, 日本, 韓國, 台灣等產品 客人可安心使用 Vivian擁有近 8年經驗 一人工作 請確定時間才預約 取消預約/ 更改時間必須至少早一天通知 �放飛機者將列入黑名單 �隔週星期日休
KIDSKIDSHOUSE 主要售賣韓國及日本大小朋友潮流衣物店, 定期到訪韓國及日本進行採購的同時, 亦接受客人指定貨品的代購. 客人可以透過kidskidshouse@yahoo.com.hk與我們聯絡.
At Little Hands Workshop we are dedicated to the sustainability of our mother nature. 在小手工作坊,我們致力推動發展可持續性資源運用,從而減少日常活動對環境帶來的影響。
香港維修中心旗下: 中華電器維修中心 全港上門維修洗衣機及雪櫃 電話:66766466 電郵:support@fix.com.hk
MaskGenie is a Hong Kong-based online store where we gather masks from all over Asia to add into our pouches, and ship them directly to your doorstep.
The Master of Public Health is a graduate training programme designed to prepare professionals to analyse contemporary health and healthcare issues.
Your Gourmet Little Helpers - effortless chef-made eating
多謝您對我們產品有興趣,我店在鴻圖道有1000尺的展銷廳,觀塘鴻圖道76號聯運工業大廈3樓D室,大部份貨品有現貨可即日自取或代安排貨van送貨,pls call 97155791 Jason 約,萬分感謝閣下的光臨
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