5C Computer 主要銷售電腦產品, 電腦週邊產品. 提供高品質銷售服務, 維修服務及訂購服務
提供優質的高等教育,培養年青學子具備「T.W.C」三項素質,即專業才能 (Talent)、解決問題的智慧 (Wisdom)和對責任的承擔 (Commitment),成為切合社會所需的優秀人才。
All year round Bob-a-Jobs
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We are all D100 members fully support Mr. Albert Cheng, Morris Ho & all D100 super star DJ & employees.
We are alfresco restaurant right next to the beach and waters edge. Come in the evening after an adventure around Lantau or with friends on weekends
IVE (Tsing Yi) Solar Powered Electric Vehicle SOPHIE