SOGO Hong Kong (香港崇光百貨)
崇光(香港)百貨是香港最大型的日式百貨公司之一,是香港人及旅客的購物地標。 崇光(香港)百貨銅鑼灣店自1985年開業,是香港最大型的日式百貨公司,是香港人及旅客的購物地標。
崇光多年來不斷擴展,於1993年進行大型擴展計劃,成為現時的Jumbo SOGO,為購物者營造最佳和最舒適理想的購物環境。 崇光開業至今,店鋪面積由12萬平方呎,擴展至現時的40萬平方呎。
地址: 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道555號
電話: 2833 8338
20/1-26/1 上午10時至晚上11時
27/1 上午10時至晚上11時30分
28/1 下午1時至晚上10時
29/1-4/2 上午10時至晚上11時
5/2-11/2 上午10時至晚上10時30分
地址: 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道20號
電話: 2833 8338
20/1-26/1 上午10時至晚上10時30分
27/1 上午10時至晚上11時
28/1 下午1時至晚上10時
29/1-11/2 上午10時至晚上10時30分
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS【男裝新品牌登陸SOGO】 又嚟到準備換季嘅日子,心思思想買衫嘅您要留意啦!而家崇光銅鑼灣店5/F男士服裝部又多咗三個新選擇,佢哋分別係國際時裝名牌Tommy Hilfiger Underwear,專業西裝品牌Gay Giano同埋踩過界賣埋男裝嘅BMW Studio,而BMW Studio仲係香港首間分店! 而家新開張期間佢哋仲提供多種優惠,各位男士係時間把握機會買返幾件靚衫迎接新一季來臨! #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogostyle 【New Menswear Brands in SOGO】 The change of seasons is coming, which means it’s now time to go shopping! SOGO CWB 5/F now offers you three more choices for menswear and they are the world-famous brand Tommy Hilfiger Underwear, professional local suit tailor Gay Giano and BMW Studio that opens its first branch in Hong Kong this time! To celebrate their store opening, they now provide our customers with special opening promotion. It’s a chance for all gentlemen to buy new clothes for the coming seasons so don’t miss it!
【Stay Close男士貼心優惠】 對於相對大汗嘅男士嚟講,合適同透氣嘅貼身衣物係非常重要架!由即日起至19/9期間,凡於崇光銅鑼灣店5/F男裝內衣部即日累積購物滿淨值$1,500 (SOGO Rewards會員滿淨值$1,000);或於5/F男裝部即日累積購物滿淨值$3,500 (SOGO Rewards會員滿淨值$2,500),即可以優惠價換購精彩禮品1份! ‧SOGO Rewards會員須出示印有會員號碼之發票正本及與發票上會員號碼相符之會員卡手機頁面予職員核實。 ‧每張發票只限換購禮品1次。 ‧換領處設於5/F男裝內衣部收銀處。 ‧禮品數量有限,售完即止。 #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogostyle 【Stay Close Men's Underwear Promotion】 Finding comfortable underwear isn’t difficult once you know how to get the right fit and choose a good fabric! From now until 19/9, upon accumulated purchase of $1,500 at SOGO CWB 5/F Men’s Underwear Department ($1,000 for SOGO Rewards Member) or $3,500 at 5/F Men’s Fashion Department ($2,500 for SOGO Rewards Member) on the same day, you will be eligible to redeem a gift at discounted price! ‧SOGO Rewards Member should present the original sales memo with membership no. and corresponding card’s interface on mobile app to staff for verification. ‧Each sales memo can only redeem the gift once. ‧Redemption counter is located on 5/F Men's Underwear Department cashier. ‧Available while stock lasts.
【SOGO幫你踢走壓力疲勞】 又嚟到星期三呢個兩頭唔到岸嘅日子,您係咪都好想轉換一下心情呢?即日起至16/9期間,凡於崇光銅鑼灣店10/F及SOGO CLUB 13/F家庭電器部即日單一購物滿$1,500 (SOGO Rewards會員滿$1,000),即可以優惠價$99換購iSecret精油頸鏈套裝1份(價值$428),等您買到心儀家居電器用品之餘又可以快速放鬆心情,幫自己加加油! · SOGO Rewards會員須出示印有會員號碼之發票正本及與發票上會員號碼相符之會員手機頁面予職員核實。 · 每單一發票只限換購禮品1份。 · 所有禮品每日數量有限,售完即止。 · 換領處設於舊翼10/F家庭電器部收銀處。 #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogohome 【Get Your Energy Back With SOGO】 It’s Wednesday again and being in the middle of the tiring week can be kinda saddening. To brighten your mood, from now until 16/9, you can redeem an iSecret Essential Oil Diffuser Necklace for a special price of $99 (worth $428) upon any single purchase of $1,500 ($1,000 for SOGO Rewards Member) at SOGO CWB 10/F and SOGO CLUB 13/F Home Appliances Department on the same day. Let’s de-stress through shopping and aromatherapy! · SOGO Rewards Member should present his/her membership card’s interface on mobile app to staff for verification. · One per sales memo. · Limited quantity, available while stock lasts. · Redemption counter is located at Old Wing 10/F Home Appliances Cashier
【CARAT* London x SOGO Brand Day 專屬禮遇】 首飾佩戴得宜可以為女士氣質形象大大加分,所以你一定要識揀!CARAT* London 擅長揉合現代及經典元素,為不同風格嘅女性創造最啱佢哋嘅珠寶首飾,襯托獨有優雅女性魅力。 由即日起至19/9期間嚟到崇光銅鑼灣店CARAT* London專櫃購買指定Eclipse系列嘅耳環及吊墜頸鏈套裝仲可以獲贈精美禮品一份,係時候把握機會幫首飾盒增添新成員! *優惠受條款及細則約束。 #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogobeauty 【CARAT* London x SOGO Brand Day Exclusive Offer】 Jewellery elevates your elegance! CARAT* London blends the modern and traditional elements in their design. The brand is an expert to help make ladies look stylish and confident. CARAT* London is your choice to help bring out the best in you! From now till 19/9, visit CARAT* London counter in SOGO CWB Store, you will receive a special gift upon your purchase of Freya Stud Earrings and Freya Necklace of the Eclipse Collection. Come check it out and bling it up! *Terms and conditions apply.
【Shu Uemura全新無色限唇膏瑰麗登場】 秋冬將至,您需要一支保濕又顯色嘅唇膏陪您度過乾燥季節。植村秀最新推出Rouge Unlimited無色限唇膏,嶄新保濕配方配搭38款不同色調,令雙唇整日水潤柔滑並呈現最真實嘅色彩! 而家已經喺崇光銅鑼灣店B1/F及尖沙咀店LG/F専櫃率先登場!凡購買任何2支植村秀唇膏更可獲贈昇級綠茶抗氧化潔顏油50ml (價値$88)。快啲嚟SOGO買返幾枝最愛顏色,為每天不同心情塗上不同色彩! #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogobeauty 【Shu Uemura New Rogue Unlimited Lipstick Pre-launch】 The cold season is right ahead and you need moisture-rich lipstick to prevent chapped lips! Shu Uemura proudly presents Rouge Unlimited Lipstick with the new formula available in 38 new shades to offer a long-lasting and true colour pay-off with moisture and comfort. The good news is that it is having an exclusive pre-launch at SOGO CWB B1/F and TST LG/F counter! You can enjoy an Anti-Oxi Skin Refining Anti-Dullness Cleansing Oil 50ml (worth $88) upon any purchase of 2 items within lip category! Get your favourite colours today in SOGO to create unlimited style and unlimited vibes!
【SOGO Rewards會員專享美肌體驗】 日日返工坐喺冷氣房搞到皮膚問題出哂嚟?SOGO Rewards會員唔洗驚,只要由即日起至30/9親臨SOGO CLUB 14/F CLARINS美研中心,即可免費得到美肌體驗1次(15分鐘),完成後仲可以額外獲贈精選產品體驗裝3件,令您幾時都可以keep住咁靚! *每人限享優惠1次。數量有限,送完即止。 *必須提供SOGO Rewards會員號碼,方可享指定優惠。 查詢及預約電話:2831 8676 #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogobeauty 【Exclusive Beauty Experience for SOGO Rewards Member】 Air conditioning in the office can cause a lot of skin damage but don’t freak out! From now till 30/9, SOGO Rewards Member can enjoy a 15mins Skin Consultation for free at CLARINS SkinSpa, 14/F, SOGO CLUB, and get a complimentary gift of 3 samples upon completion. Let’s work on your skin and keep it healthy! *One per customer, available whilst stocks last. *Please provide SOGO Rewards Membership Number to enjoy the designated privilege. Enquiry Hotline: 2831 8676
【崇光中秋禮籃,伴你共享天倫之樂!】 仲有唔夠1個月就到中秋節,除咗月餅之外一個精緻嘅禮籃就更加人見人愛啦!崇光中秋禮籃已經接受網上訂購啦,而家至25/9訂購仲可享95折優惠,未訂嘅朋友仔萬勿錯過! 立即訂購: #sogohongkong #sogoessentials 【Let's celebrate with SOGO's Mid-Autumn Festival Hampers!】 Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner! Apart from giving moon cakes to friends and family, how about surprising them with a festive hamper this year? SOGO’s Mid-Autumn Festival Hampers are now available to order online, make your order if you haven’t yet, with a 5% discount if you order now till 25/9. Don’t miss this chance! Order Now:
【日本人會過中秋節嗎?】 見到四周廣告開始出現月餅嘅影子就知道中秋節又就快到啦!日本人又會唔會食月餅同賞月呢?其實日本人稱賞月嘅日子為「十五夜」,當晚會品嘗傳統和食「月見糰子」! 崇光超市不時舉行嘅日本美食展都有賣煙煙韌韌嘅糰子,想過一個特別嘅中秋到時要密切留意啦! #sogohongkong #sogoessentials 【Do the Japanese celebrate Mid-autumn Festival?】 In Hong Kong we have mooncakes, we celebrate Mid-autumn Festival with our love ones. Little did you know that in Japan, Mid-autumn Festival is known as Jugoya, and that people will have Dango, that is a kind of dumpling and sweet made from rice flour, instead of mooncakes! Get to taste Dango at SOGO Freshmart food fairs and get prepared for a sweet Mid-autumn Festival!
【#DIYSunday - SOGO x CRISTEL 教您炒貴刁】 星期日唔想出街但又想食好嘢?咁就要留意星級名廚Ricky Cheung用法國名牌廚具CRISTEL親身示範正宗炒貴刁,辣辣哋夠開胃啱哂呢排反覆無常嘅天氣,即刻去片! #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogohome 【#DIYSunday - SOGO x CRISTEL Let’s Make Char Kuay Teow】 Don't feel like eating out on Sunday but food is still life? Let’s watch Chef Ricky Cheung preparing the famous Malaysian dish Char Kuay Teow the authentic way with the help of CRISTEL cookware. The spiciness should boost your appetite in this ever-changing weather! Give it a try!
【崇光銅鑼灣店6/F Handbag Zone開幕啦!】 一個靚手袋係時尚女性嘅必備,SOGO就為您帶嚟多一個買手袋嘅好地方,位於崇光銅鑼灣店6/F嘅Handbag Zone已經正式開幕! 為您搜羅多款歐洲皮具品牌,包括COBO,Lancaster 同埋Pernelle。新張期間仲推出多種優惠,大家唔好錯過今次機會啦! #sogohongkong #sogoessentials #sogostyle 【Handbag Zone Arrives in SOGO CWB 6/F!】 An elegant handbag is a must-have for every stylish lady and SOGO now brings you a new choice for getting one! Located at SOGO CWB 6/F, Handbag Zone has just arrived featuring renowned European leather goods brands like COBO, Lancaster and Pernelle. Different discounts are also available during the opening promotion period so don’t miss the chance!