阿達音布衣已搬店到 - 長洲北社街11號地下!有空來長洲來阿達音店看看新品啊!https://www.facebook.com/groups/1684615358498275/
Saiyuen...green getaway Enchanting island retreat, back to nature venues. A unique outdoor destination, one-of-a-kind camping and adventure experience.
服務類別: 美孚石油氣,各式煮食爐、熱水爐,水電工程,裝修、維修,冷氣機清洗,消防器材,裝置、設備,貨物運送服務,防盜設備..........
walks in welcome, take out, good for kids, waiter service. one of chan ting that could enjoy own made delicious chicken chive dumpling (即包即煎)
A Shop with a limited space but with big passion
Like us local islanders, we wish you a simple and colorful lifestyle with the things you shopped at “nitti-gritti”!
Rainbow Cafe
Instagram: warwickhotel QQ: 2954419558 Whatsapp: 60868830 (Mon-Fri 9a.m. - 6p.m.)
我們座落在東灣沙灘, 格局可媲美歐洲的精品酒店 。酒店有1 8間房, 全都是灰白啡格仔牆, 內有LCD電視 、透明玻璃浴室、免費無線上網, 除了天台花園外, 全間酒店皆列作禁煙區。
飯「殼」smartphone配件專門店 主要售賣各種smartphone配件 價錢公道 品質保證 另 定期有不同有趣小品推出 或各國代購 敬請期待~ 大量現貨 荃灣設有門市 任何查詢 Whatsapp 52206524
Helium Gas 香港氦氣瓶| 氦氣樽| 氦氣瓶 | 零售
We record the moment for life Commercial | Fashion | Family | Fashion |Event | Contact:: 96996139 (Zero) e-mail :: creative_production@live.com
大學站的單車匯合中心已經開放給大家使用 設有單車練習場、休憩公園,公共廁所,急救人員(星期六日開放)及公眾單車停泊處。
Go Public is Hong Kong's creative agency.
宣揚基督仁愛 顧念貧困家庭 建立和平之子 同盼和睦之城
無障礙行動網誌 - 九龍東傷健中心
TIENS produce health food, health care product, skincare product and household product, and has become the lifestyle choice of health, happiness, beauty and affluence for over 16 million families worldwide!!