NTK Learning Center, NTK Publishing, NTK Educational Consulting
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狗肚山(英語:Kau To Shan,又名Cove Hill),雅稱九肚山[註 1],古稱龍窩[1],是香港一座山峰,位於新界沙田區火炭之西北,海拔399米。其山腰位置為新界東部傳統的豪宅區,以低密度的洋房住宅
Rainbow Cafe
This Facebook page shares the latest 30th Anniversary Celebration Events of SALEM-Immanuel Lutheran College
GP Cafe, 車房中的寧靜小綠洲。
We are a Hong Kong based company with our own production plant in China, Foshan, specialized in manufacturing plastic containers (bottles & jars) with innovative designs.
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