We believe that every company can be a great workplace. Great Place to Work® exists to make that happen.
Graphic/Interiors Design & Branding
KIDSKIDSHOUSE 主要售賣韓國及日本大小朋友潮流衣物店, 定期到訪韓國及日本進行採購的同時, 亦接受客人指定貨品的代購. 客人可以透過kidskidshouse@yahoo.com.hk與我們聯絡.
Wine Passions is Italian wine marketer & one of the the largest independent Importer, serving over 100+ local retailers, restaurants & hotels in Hong Kong, Macau & Greater China. [www.winepassions.com]
1) 本店提供專業寵物美容服務 2)寵物用品及貓狗糧 3)提供送貨及接送服務 4)全手作設計貓狗頸帶 5)Homemade小食及節日食品
My own place for gathering friends to party , dinner, smoking cigar , Shisha, BBQ, enjoy wine and party
Dim Sport ECU Remap 香港區代理 Ruff 香港區代理 專業維修,改装BMW, 各類歐日名車ECU turning ,