Online Shopping
One Stop All Experience At Billidart, we aim to provide our customers with a relaxing, comfortable and entertaining environment.
since 2003 1013, 10/F, One Island South, No.2 Heung Yip Road, HK tel: 2894 9311 e-mail: (by appointment only)
所有款式由3位熱愛時裝80後精心挑選 務求各位著出自己個人風格。所有貨品均由韓國廠家直接運到。本店只是小本經營,暫時只提供網上訂購,希望大家多多支持!!
Movember is a moustache growing charity event held during the month of November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health. Supporting Prostate and Testicular Cancer awareness.
2018 年3月24-25日,「Buff 逆走 100」為大家帶來一場逆向挑戰! 24th-25th March 2018, "Buff Rebel Walker" brings you a reverse adventure!
Lusso 為意大利文,意譯高尚、尊貴,象徵當地人對品味的獨到見解。LussoConcept 對美的追求同樣熱忱,期望為女性帶來華麗、優雅的美容體驗。
My Sweet Cake 是一間烘焙材料專門店,售賣各種烘焙器具,蛋糕甜品原材料,模具及包裝用品~~