Palnatoke is a Danish manufacturer of high quality LARP weapons and equipment. We do most of our innovation and development in-house, or with a few selected and trusted partners.
Our production line is a mixture between industrial standards and where needed, our own innovative solutions.
As we are directly involved in almost all aspects of our manufacturing, from the production and handling of our raw materials, through the manufacturing itself and all the way to distributing to partners and vendors, we can ensure a high level of safety, durability but not the least useability.
Palnatoke started out as a side-project at Kristoffer Bentzons established and reputed special effects company "Bentzon F/X" back in the winter of 2000.
Gathering information about the various aspects of a good LARP weapon, materials commonly used etc. took some time, but by fall 2001 Palnatoke was ready to showcase the prototype models at the Essen Spiel Messe.
As it would turn out, it was also the premiere of the round core in a serially manufactured blade.
Most of the competing manufactures at the time ware convinced that Palnatoke would start using a square core instead - but today the round core is the most widely successful choice, and the Palnatoke blade with its unique construction, has been used by a number of competing manufactures, in their own production line.
Over the years Palnatoke has brought a number of innovations and techniques to the industry, set standards and even had the pleasure of being the first manufacturer to get copied in China - design-wise, the quality was horrendous.
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