Leading manufacturer of Audiophile loudspeakers. All products are made by hand in Copenhagen, Denmark F3 Lyd / Audiovector was founded in 1979 by Ole Klifoth.
The first radical ideas about a speaker's dynamic performance (Linear Dynamics), were launched in the Trapez, where the upgrade concept-IUC-ideas about a future proof and substainable speaker manufacturing were first realized.
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facebook.comA visit to Hanoi at TecHland-Audio is always a pleasure! Best wishes for a great weekend to all from Vietnam
Our Audiovector speaker cables are based on more than 30 years experience with speakers and speaker cables. The cables draw on the asymmetrical concept of cabling used inside our speakers. Asymmetrical cables avoid mirror resonances, which reduce clarity. Curious to learn more?
We often have requests from our listeners about which demo music we use - please press the link and follow to experience our favourites. Best wishes to all for a very nice week!
New speakers for our friend The Audiophile Weekend Warrior - TAWW. Enjoy😁
The SR 1: This small wonder delivers a speedy response with great details and dynamics. The design makes handling of percussions and bass notes easy in a clean and natural way. Learn more:
Together with our beloved Dealer Lydspecialisten in Aalborg, we cordially invite you to join us for an evening discovering the range of Audiovector high-end speakers with our developed ADAC-technology (Audiovector Discreet Active Concept) – our most advanced digital technology offering yet. April 25th from 18-20.30 Lydspecialisten Nørregade 19-21 9000 Aalborg Denmark For sign up to join us for the evening: Cold drinks and appetizers will be served at the event. Only a limited number of seats available. This is an event not to be missed. Imagine being able to play music in high-end quality without having to rely on any other form of electronics, other than your actual source. Imagine simply using your iPhone, Android phone, iPad, server, CD player or laptop – whichever source is at hand. That is total freedom combined with exceptional sound quality and that is what our Discreet-series offers you – no distortion, no jitter, no noise. Our Discreet amplifiers will be available for a wide range of Audiovector speakers – either built-in from the start or as an upgrade to your existing Audiovector speakers. In case you are already the lucky owner of a pair of Audiovector speakers, but without the inbuilt ADAC-technology, we can easily upgrade them from passive to Active Discreet. The choice is, as always, completely yours. Join us for the event to learn more and what options you can choose from. See you in Aalborg on the 25th of April from 18-20.30
Throwback Thursday: ”We were caught off guard by the excellent relationship between quality and price. It all begins with the AMT treble driver, a double magnet bass/mid driver and an immaculately finish cabinet and it finds its culmination in a very precise, focused and transparent sound, which really challenges the reference point for the price class." -By, June 2016 Read the review here:
The QR-series: Based on our experience with stiff, light and sound dead membranes in the SR- and R-series speakers, we have developed a new sandwich membrane, which combines the strength of Aero Space Grade Aluminum with the excellent inner damping properties of softer materials. Read more about the QR-series here:
Join us from the 10th to 13th of May 2018 together with High End Society in Munich. Learn more:
Audiovector, Bassocontinuo Audio Systems & McIntosh Laboratory Inc. - great match by our Portuguese distributor Ajasom.
As members of High End Society, we once again look forward to welcoming you to our stand at the annual Munich Show at the MOC from the 10th to 13th of May. We will be presenting both news and classics at the stand. Visit us in our Audiovector room in Atrium 4.2 Room E207. Join us:
Visit us at High-End Munich 2018 from the 10th-13th of May 2018.
R 11 Arretè almost ready for the final 18 point testing procedure before packaging - have a beautiful weekend🎵

من زيارتنا الى شركة اوديو فيكتور في الدنمرك. @audiovector اوديو فيكتور شركة عمرها قرابة اربعين سنة ولها تقنيات خاصة في تصنيع السماعات مما لا يمكنا وصفة هنا. تصنع جميع سماعة اوديو فيكتور في الدنمرك يدويا ويمكن صبغها باي لون وتفصيل جميع التفاصيل باحجام مختلفة. السماعات جميلة الصوت جدا وتبرز جميع تفاصيل الموسيقى. السمعات تبدأ من اسعار في متناول اليد الى سماعات كبيرة ومرتفعة السعر مما يعني ان يمكن لاي شخص امتلاك سماعات اوديو فيكتور. يسرنا ان نبدأ هذه العلاقة مع شركة عريقه وسوف نوافيكم بتفاصيل اكثر في المستقبل. #سينما #موسيقى #افلام #طرب #السعودية #الخبر #

Custom SR 6 Avantgarde Arretè in all White Piano with 24 karat gold details - enjoy #audiovector #hiendaudio #highendaudio #madeindenmark #custommade #audiophile #audio #hifi #music #scandinaviandesign

Beautiful from every angle - Audiovector SR 3 Signature #audiovector #audiovectorsr6 #audiovectorqr #madeindenmark #scandinaviandesign #highendaudio #audiophile #music #musiclover

A warm and cheerful merry Christmas and a happy New Year from Audiovector! It has been a prosperous year and we would like to thank you for your strong support in 2017✨ #audiovector #danishdesign #merrychristmas #2017 #audio #madeindenmark

All parts are hand made and finished by hand in Copenhagen #audiovector #madeindenmark #audiophile #highendaudio #familybusiness #airmotiontransformer #tweeter #speaker #loudspeaker

Our stunning SR 6 Signature in Matte Grey Custom Finish #audiovector #madeindenmark #handcrafted #highendaudio #audiophile #danishspeakers #audiovectorsr6

QR Wall & QR Sub is a great combination for a smaller high end system #audiovector #audiovectorsr3avantgardearrete #audiovectorqr #madeindenmark #highendaudio #audiophile #scandinaviandesign #danishdesign

We have had two very good days with Mr. Messenger - thank you for coming to see us! #audiovector #paulmessenger #audiophile #stereophile #madeindenmark #handcrafted #highendaudio #audiovectorsr3avantgardearrete #audio #audiovectorr11

What a beauty - SR 6 Arretè 2.0 Italian Orange #audiovector #audiophile #highendaudio #pianolack #pianolacquer #madeindenmark #danishdesign

Raw in a clean way... #audiovectorsr3avantgardearrete #audiovector #audiovectorqr #audiophile #highendaudio #madeindenmark #limitededition #music #musiclover #surfacecph

Our speakers are #madeindenmark 〰 #audiovector #highendaudio #speakers #audiophile #highend #greatsound #sound #danishdesign #simplicity

Best wishes for a musical and colorful weekend #audiovector #audiovectorqr #highendaudio #madeindenmark #audiophile #audiovectorsr1 #airmotiontransformer #scandinaviandesign #danishdesign
