MINDIST je kreiran kako bi podrzao organizacije i pojedince u ostvarenju njihovih poslovnih i zivotnih potreba, ciljeva i potencijala. Coaching, education.
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facebook.comHow do you feel about innovative leadership? What is it for you? http://aoplcroatia.weebly.com #deepconversations #lifeandbusinesshigherpurpose #artofparticipatoryleadership #samoljubav
The Art of Participatory Leadership as support to managerial skills and influence. Great workshop! So fullfiled! #theartofparticipatoryleadership
Join me! It will boost you up!
My dear people wishing you all beautiful Christmas and cheerfull New Year! Let go everything that is not making you happy and making you growing. Love yourself and others! Stay healthy and positive! Keep learning and exploring! Smile more and love more!
Sutra razgovaramo o Metodama razvoja zaposlenika. Za mene najdraze podrucje HRMa. #callidusobrazovanje #ljudskipotencijali
Oslobadjajuce je kada znas i osjecas kako si bas tamo gdje trebas biti i radis ono sto iskreno vjerujes. #unlockyourskills #expressyourself