Društvo za podvodna istraživanja MINA je neprofitna udruga osnovana s ciljem podvodnih istraživanja i dokumentiranjem podmorja i vodom ispunjenih prostora Društvo za podvodne aktivnosti MINA je neprofitna udruga građana osnovana s ciljem bavljenja podvodnim istraživanjima u svim vodenim okruženjima (more, unutarnje vode, speleološki objekti i drugo) te bavljenje ronjenjem koje nadilazi okvire sportsko rekreativnog ronjenja kao i tehnički zahtjevnim ronjenjima.
Osim toga jedan od važnih ciljeva je stavljanje svih resursa na raspolaganje sustavu zaštite i spašavanja u slučaju potrebe s naglaskom na specifične kombinacije znanja i vještina koje članovi posjeduju.
Osnivačka skupština udruge održana je 20. prosinca 2015. godine, nakon odmah nakon čega je započela izrada svih važnih planova i temeljnih dokumenata udruge, izradom kojih su postavljeni čvrsti temelj i jasan smjer i plan daljnjeg razvoja.
Kako osnovna aktivnost udruge nisu uobičajena stažna ronjenja već specifični zadaci u podmorju udruga okuplja i adekvatan profil članstva koji može svojim formalnim i neformalnim vještinama i znanjima doprinijeti ciljevima udruge sukladno planu i programu. Tako DPI MINA trenutačno okuplja 15-ak članova različitih profila koji uključuju instruktore ronjenja i drugih vezanih vještina, profesionalne vatrogasce, geografe, morske biologe, informatičare, elektroničare i drugih zanimanja koji mogu uvelike pridonijeti radu udruge i pomoći ostvarivanju čak i najzahtjevnijih projekata.
Trenutačno je rad DPI MINA obilježavaju nastojanja za osiguranje resursa za samostalno provođenje vlastitih projekata koji su pripremljeni i koji se trenutačno provode sukladno vlastitim mogućnostima.
Više o DPI MINA, dosadašnjem, trenutnom i budućem radu možete pronaći na internetskoj stranici udruge na
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How do you start a day? We prefer by the sea. . . . #sea #beach #shore #ocean #adriatic #adriaticsea #pula #istra #istria #dpimina #rocky #blue #dpimina #uesmine #logo #morning #mist #sunrise #goodstart
BBC Earth
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SS LUANA - Silently and unnoticed a 70th anniversary of her sinking has passed by us. SS Luana sunk on March 3rd 1947 after hitting a sea mine left over from WWII. SS Luana was a cargo steamer built in 1892 under name Majorca in Sunderland Shipbuilding shipyard. During her times she changed owner and names so except as Majorca and Luana she was also known as Leopold de Wael. On her last voyage Luana was carrying bauxite from Manfredonia to Venice, so her current position is off route and raises a few questions. After hitting the mine SS Luana sunk rapidly and 12 crew members lost their lives in the tragedy. Today SS Luana lies on a sandy bottom on a depth of 49 meters in upright position with the shallowest part on 39 meters. Wreck is in good condition except of the wooden parts gone due to 70 years in sea, and heavily damaged bow cause of mine explosion. On the site visibility is almost always good making an impressive sight of the wreck during descent. A lot of sea animals found home on SS Luana, but the most spectacular are definitively swells of fish that occasionally hide the entire wreck.
Photos from DPI MINA's post
Natural beauty, but there is more than it meets the eye. The passage between the mainland and island Veruda (on the right) was once a resting point for hulk (ship type) Taurus. It was partially sunken using explosive on this shallow passage to block the only alternative entrance to port Veruda near Pula. During the Austro-Hungarian authority Pula was home port of the navy and there have been many developments to build and protect the most important navy base in the empire. . . . #sea #ocean #island #boat #ship #history #pula #istra #istria #hulk #taurus #veruda #banjole #indie #sailboat #austrohungarian #navy #old #wreck #croatia #croatiafullofhistory #dpimina #uesmine #steamboat #nature #beauty #beautiful @ Veruda
DAN Europe (Divers Alert Network Europe)
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Old photo of a SOKO G-2 Galeb (Seagull) plane above cape Marlera near Pula. G-2 is a ex.Yugoslavia produced two-seat, single engine jet in production between 1965 and 1983. It was in use in the Yugoslavian and Libyan Air Force, and by known information 248 units were built. Cape Marlera was used as a training ground for military operations and parts of old planes (probably used as practice targets) can still be found in surrounding waters. . . . . . #old #plane #history #jet #pula #istra #istria #liznjan #marlera #air #fighter #military #airforce #croatia #yugoslavia #diving #explore #dpimina #uesmine #scuba #wreck #sea #ocean #adriatic #archive #scuba #scubadiving
Photos from DPI MINA's post
We visited the EUDI Show in Bologna, Italy. Also had the opportunity to upgrade our instructor's skills thanks to @daneurope . . . . #diving #show #bologna #scubagear #tekdiving #daneurope #italy #scubadiving #danitalia #uesmine #dpimina #scuba #techdiving #equipment @ Eudi Show
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Best way to end a day - with a dive :) . . . . #diving #divelife #divegear #scuba #scubagear #scubadiving #techdiving #tech #kamenjak #istra #istria #istragram #istraexperience #dpimina #uesmine #sunset #sea #ocean #sealife #pula #happday #happytime #bay
Posjet Tršćanskim muzejima i akvariju – DPI MINA
Posjetili smo Speleovivarij, Muzej mora i Akvarij u Trstu. Na našoj internetskoj stranici možete pronaći kratke crte o tom posjetu.
Trust me, I'm a "Biologist"
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Globe in Museum of the Sea #globe #navigation #sea #ocean #old #antique #museum #dpimina #uesmine #fieldtrip #explore #excursion #visit #education #fun #trieste #earth #exhibition #exhibit
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#dive #diving #scuba #scubadiving #sea #sealife #underwater #istria #istragram #istra #croatiafulloflife #croatiafullofnature #ocean #adriatic #crab #lobster #underwaterphotography #photooftheday #explore #dpimina #uesmine
