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jīng lì jīng yàn No.5 经历vs 经验 Same:they both mean experience Difference: jīng lì ①经历 is used as both noun and verb. eg.他经历过战争,所以有很多故事。 tā jīng lì guò zhàn zhēng ,suǒ yǐ yǒu hěn duō gù shì He joined war,so he has many stories to tell. eg.他的经历让很多人都很佩服。 tā de jīng lì ràng hěn duō rén dōu hěn pèi fú A lot of people admire his experience. jīng yàn ② 经验 is a noun eg.他没有工作经验,很难找到工作。 tā méi yǒu gōng zuò jīng yàn ,hěn nán zhǎo dào gōng zuò It's difficult for him to find a job because he doesn't have any work experience. eg.这个老师很专业,也有很多教学经验。 zhè gè lǎo shī hěn zhuān yè ,yě yǒu hěn duō jiāo xué jīng yàn This teacher is very professional and has a lot of teaching experience. That's all for today,thanks for reading! Share it with your friends! Thank you! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: ⑥website: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Global Mandarin
Synonyms shredder--No.4 合适vs适合 hé shì shì hé No.4 合适vs适合 Same: They both mean suitable ,appropriate,fit Difference: hé shì ①合适 is used at an adj. hé shì S.+adv.+合适 eg.这双鞋有点大,不合适。 zhè shuāng xié yǒu diǎn dà ,bù hé shì 。 These shoes are rather too big,they don'y fit me. eg.我和他不合适,我们不是一种人。 wǒ hé tā bù hé shì ,wǒ men bú shì yì zhǒng rén We don't live in the same world, we're not perfect for each other. eg.你穿红色裙子不合适,你穿白色好看。 nǐ chuān hóng sè qún zǐ bù hé shì ,nǐ chuān bái sè hǎo kàn 。 The red dress doesn't look good on you,try the white one. shì hé ②适合 is used as a verb shì hé A+适合+do sth. eg.我很懒,我不适合早起的工作。 wǒ hěn lǎn ,wǒ bú shì hé zǎo qǐ de gōng zuò 。 I'm too lazy,I'm not built for this kind of job that needs to get up early. eg.她不适合去南方生活,南方的天气太潮湿。 tā bú shì hé qù nán fāng shēng huó ,nán fāng de tiān qì tài cháo shī 。 The weather in the south part is very humid,she's not built for this weather. That's all for today,thanks for reading! Share it with your friends! Thank you! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: ⑥website: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Global Mandarin
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Synonyms shredder--No.3 帮助 vs帮忙 bāng zhù bāng máng No.3 帮助vs 帮忙 Same 帮助and 帮忙 both mean to help. Difference ①帮助 can be used as a noun or a verb. S.+帮助+sb.(+do sth.) sb.+的帮助 eg.他帮助了我,我很感谢他。 tā bāng zhù le wǒ ,wǒ hěn gǎn xiè tā 。 He helped me,I'm very grateful. eg.多亏他的帮助,我通过了考试。 duō kuī tā de bāng zhù ,wǒ tōng guò le kǎo shì Thanks to his help,I passed the exam. ②帮忙 is a verb,it cannot be used as noun. S.+帮+sb.+忙 S.+帮忙+sb× (This sentence is incorrect.) eg.你帮了我一个忙,我要谢谢你。 nǐ bāng le wǒ yī gè máng ,wǒ yào xiè xiè nǐ 。 You helped me,I want to thank you. eg.你有空吗?来帮忙可以吗? nǐ yǒu kòng ma ?lái bāng máng kě yǐ ma ? Do you have time?Could you please do me a favor? That's all for today,thanks for reading! Share it with your friends! Thank you! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: ⑥website: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Global Mandarin
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Hi everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful Modday!Let's see our synonyms for today! lǐ jiě liǎo jiě No.2 理解vs.了解 Same When translated into English,they both mean to understand or to know. Difference ①理解lǐ jiě can be used when it comes to feelings, thoughts, standpoints, and knowladge. eg.我的朋友没通过考试,他很难过,上个星期我也没通过考试,我理解他的感觉。 wǒ de péng yǒu méi tōng guò kǎo shì ,tā hěn nán guò ,shàng gè xīng qī wǒ yě méi tōng guò kǎo shì ,wǒ lǐ jiě tā de gǎn jué 。 My friend failed his exam,he's very sad,last week I also failed my exam,so I understand how he feels. eg.我告诉我的朋友,我想一个人去西藏旅游,朋友觉得一个人去太危险了,他不理解我的想法。 wǒ gào sù wǒ de péng yǒu ,wǒ xiǎng yí gè rén qù xī cáng lǚ yóu ,péng yǒu jiào dé yí gè rén qù tài wēi xiǎn le ,tā bú lǐ jiě wǒ de xiǎng fǎ 。 I told my friend that I wanted to go to Tibet by myself, but my friend said it's too dangerous,he doesn't understand my idea. eg.今天老师讲的新词很难,我不理解。 jīn tiān lǎo shī jiǎng de xīn cí hěn nán ,wǒ bù lǐ jiě 。 The new words I learned today are very difficult, I don't really understand. ②了解 liǎo jiě is used when you talk about situations,a person,a place or something,and also can be used as a noun,it means understanding of something. eg.我昨天开始工作,对新公司还不了解。 wǒ zuó tiān kāi shǐ gōng zuò ,duì xīn gōng sī hái bù liǎo jiě I just started working yesterday,I'm not very familiar with the new company. eg.我知道关于她的一切事情,我们是好朋友,我很了解她。 wǒ zhī dào guān yú tā de yí qiē shì qíng ,wǒ men shì hǎo péng yǒu ,wǒ hěn liǎo jiě tā 。 I know her very well,I know everything about her because we're good friends. eg.他常常去三里屯,他很了解三里屯。 tā cháng cháng qù sān lǐ tún ,tā hěn liǎo jiě sān lǐ tún 。 He goes to Sanlitun very often,so he knows a lot about Sanlitun. That's all for today,thanks for reading! Share it with your friends! Thank you! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: ⑥website: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Global Mandarin
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情人节快乐!qíng rén jiē kuài lè 2016-02-14 Global Mandarin 环球汉语GlobalMandarin 大家好!我们又见面了!你们的春节过得怎么样?今天我们来聊一聊关于情人节的话题! dà jiā hǎo !wǒ men yòu jiàn miàn le !nǐ men de chūn jiē guò dé zěn me yàng ?jīn tiān wǒ men lái liáo yī liáo guān yú qíng rén jiē de huà tí ! Hi everyone!Nice to see you guys again! How's your holiday? Today is Valentine's Day,let's check out today's Chinese corner. 1 单身狗 dān shēn gǒu single boy or girl 【单身狗 dān shēn gǒu】is a noun,it means single person.It's a way that Chinese people mocking themselves,especially on holidays like today which couples tend to show their love to other people that doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. eg.今天是情人节,但是我不开心,因为我是单身狗。 Today is Valentine's Day,but I‘m not happy,because I'm single. jīn tiān shì qíng rén jiē ,dàn shì wǒ bù kāi xīn ,yīn wéi wǒ shì dān shēn gǒu 2 虐狗 nuè gǒu to torture single person 【虐狗 nuè gǒu】is a verb,it is used when a single person see a couple making out or showing off their love life,you can use this word as a joke,for example:你们不要虐狗了,我知道你们很相爱。Please don't torture a single person like me,I know you guys are in love.nǐ men bú yào nuè gǒu le ,wǒ zhī dào nǐ men hěn xiàng ài 3 秀恩爱 xiù ēn ài showing off one's love life 【秀恩爱 xiù ēn ài 】is also a verb,【秀xiù】means to show off,【恩爱ēn ài 】means love.It's means to post pictures or videos of couples or lovers on social media. eg.今天是情人节,好多人在微信上秀恩爱,真是虐狗! Toay is Valentine's Day,lots of people show off their love life on wechat moment,they're torturing single person like me! jīn tiān shì qíng rén jiē ,hǎo duō rén zài wēi xìn shàng xiù ēn ài ,zhēn shì nuè gǒu ! That's all for today!Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Have a good evening! Global Mandarin
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Happy Monday everyone! Let's take a break and check out the Chinese corner today! 大家好!星期一快乐!我们来休息一下,看看今天汉语角的内容吧! dà jiā hǎo !xīng qī yī kuài lè !wǒ men lái xiū xī yí xià ,kàn kàn jīn tiān hàn yǔ jiǎo de nèi róng ba ! No.3 生米煮成熟饭 shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn What has been done cannot be undone. 【生米煮成熟饭 shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn】means the rice has been cooked(literal meaning).This phrase is used when someone did something that other people might not like or they didn't know it was supposed to happen,but when they found out,it's already done,and there's nothing they can do to change or fix it. 【生米shēng mǐ】means raw rice 【煮zhǔ】means to boil or cook 【成chéng】means to become 【熟饭shú fàn】means cooked rice eg.其实我不喜欢理发师给我剪的头发,但是生米已经煮成熟饭了。 qí shí wǒ bú xǐ huān lǐ fā shī gěi wǒ jiǎn de tóu fa ,dàn shì shēng mǐ yǐ jīng zhǔ chéng shú fàn le I actually hate what the barber did to my hair ,but what has been done cannot be undone. eg.虽然父母不同意,但他们还是结婚了,生米煮成熟饭了,父母也没有办法。 suī rán fù mǔ bù tóng yì ,dàn tā men hái shì jié hūn le ,shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn le ,fù mǔ yě méi yǒu bàn fǎ Although their parents didn't approve,they still got married,there's nothing their parents can do about it. That's all for today, thanks for reading! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Have a nice evening! Global Mandarin.
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Hi dear friends! Starting from today, we'll post 2 idiomatic expressions everyday to enrich your daily life conversation in spoken Chinese! 朋友们好!从今天开始,我们会每天向大家介绍一个汉语习惯用语,让你的汉语对话更丰富! péng yǒu men hǎo !cóng jīn tiān kāi shǐ ,wǒ men huì měi tiān xiàng dà jiā jiè shào yí ge hàn yǔ xí guàn yòng yǔ ,ràng nǐ de hàn yǔ duì huà gèng fēng fù! No.1 爱面子 ài miàn zi be concerned about one's integrity or be afraid of being looked down upon. First, have you noticed that sometimes when you go out to eat with your Chinese colleagues or friends, even when there're tons of left overs on the table, none or almost none of your Chinese mates would want to bag it and take it away? Second, you see all the time in the restaurant, Chinese people fight to pay the bills.(which we called 抢帐 qiǎng zhàng in Chinese ) 你有没有注意过两件事,第一,你和你的中国同事或朋友去饭馆吃饭的时候,无论桌子上有多少剩菜,没有,或者说几乎没有你的中国朋友会把菜打包带走。第二,在饭馆里经常看到中国人为了谁付钱而争执,在汉语里,我们把这种情况叫做抢帐(qiǎng zhàng)。 nǐ yǒu méi yǒu zhù yì guò liǎng jiàn shì ,dì yī ,nǐ hé nǐ de zhōng guó tóng shì huò péng yǒu qù fàn guǎn chī fàn de shí hòu ,wú lùn zhuō zǐ shàng yǒu duō shǎo shèng cài ,méi yǒu ,huò zhě shuō jǐ hū méi yǒu nǐ de zhōng guó péng yǒu huì bǎ cài dǎ bāo dài zǒu 。dì èr ,zài fàn guǎn lǐ jīng cháng kàn dào zhōng guó rén wèi le shuí fù qián ér zhēng zhí ,zài hàn yǔ lǐ ,wǒ men bǎ zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng jiào zuò qiǎng zhàng。 Ignoring the leftovers and fighing for the bills are ways of showing that Chinese people afraid of losing their integrity or "losing face" as they call it. Therefore we tend to ignore or avoid anything that might make us feel embarrassed or awkward. 不带走剩菜和抢帐,是中国人害怕丢面子的表现,我们会忽略或者避免一切有可能让我们觉得尴尬和不好意思的情况。 bú dài zǒu shèng cài hé qiǎng zhàng ,shì zhōng guó rén hài pà diū miàn zǐ de biǎo xiàn ,wǒ men huì hū luè huò zhě bì miǎn yí qiè yǒu kě néng ràng wǒ men jué de gān gà hé bú hǎo yì sī de qíng kuàng 。 爱面子 ài miàn zi is a highly used phrase when you want to say someone cares too much about their face that they would rather do something that will for example cost them a lot of money than losing their face. Structure:somebody+adv.+爱面子 Scene A:你太爱面子了,剩菜为什么不带走呢? B:我不是爱面子,我不喜欢吃这些剩菜。 A:nǐ tài ài miàn zǐ le ,shèng cài wéi shén me bú dài zǒu ne? B:wǒ bú shì ài miàn zǐ ,wǒ bù xǐ huān chī zhè xiē shèng cài。 A:You care too much about your face, why didn't you bag the leftovers and take them away? B:It's not that I care too much about my face, I just don't like the leftovers. That's all for today,thanks for reading! Feel free to contact us at: ① ②phone:13521931586 Elena ③ ④Tel:010-58692468 ⑤ Facebook page: Book a FREE trial lesson now! Have a nice evening! Global Mandarin.
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Doctor 大夫/医生 dà fu /yī shēng Nurse 护士hùshi Medicine/pills 药yào Injection 打针dǎzhēn 1.I caught a cold我感冒了wǒ gǎn mào le 2.I’m runningfever 我发烧了 wǒ fāshāo le 3.I have aheadache 我头疼wǒ tóu téng 4.I have atoothache 我牙疼 wǒ yáténg 5.I have astomachache 我胃疼wǒ wèi téng 6.I have a sorethroat 我嗓子疼wǒ sǎng zi téng 7.I broke my legs我的腿骨折了wǒ de tuǐ gǔ zhé le 8.I’m drunk 我喝醉了wǒhē zuì le 9.Arms 胳膊gēbo legs 腿tuǐ hands 手shǒu head 头tóu foot 脚jiǎo
U shouldn't complain 'bt ur life, instead of that, u should appreciate it.Appreciate everything u got that everybody brought 2 u, all the things u got right now are the best ones already; Appreciate rather than complain.
