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Temple Hotel Beijing

No. 23 Songzhuyuan, Shatan Beijie, Dong Cheng, Beijing, China
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Urban retreat ideal for seminars, receptions, events.
Fine Dining at TRB  The Temple Hotel is located in the very historical center of the Chinese capital, near the Forbidden City, and yet removed from the crowds, the bustle, the shopping malls.

It is a well kept secret, a real haven of peace for the contemporary traveler that wishes to wake up in an ancient China environment but with all the comforts that a luxury hotel can offer. A 250 year-old temple sits on its grounds, which was fully renovated in 2012 and is the proud recipient of the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award for Cultural Heritage Conservation. Each of the eight guest rooms has its own unique charm, individual decor and original art pieces.  

The Temple Hotel is also the ideal setting for corporations and luxury brands to stage special events, meetings, creative sessions, product launches.

TRB, Temple Restaurant Beijing, located within The Temple Hotel compound, is lauded as one of the best fine dining experiences in Beijing.

The Gallery @ The Temple Hotel regularly presents exhibitions by China and the world's most interesting artists. The Temple Hotel is also home to James Turrell's "Gathered Sky", the renown artist's first and only permanent light installation of the series Skyspace in China.

The Temple Hotel has become a destination for world travelers and a place where art and culture are integrated, where ancient beauty meets contemporary luxuries, and where creative minds mingle and sparkle.


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大地的眼泪 来自上古时代中国和欧洲的面孔 les larmes de la terre visages de l’antiquité chinoise et européenne the tears of the earth faces of chinese and european antiquity 奥利维埃·罗勒 O L I V I E R R O L L E R 2016年5月16日于北京TEMPLE东景缘开幕 室外墙展映,截止日期2016年6月15日 摄影展@ GALLERY,截止日期2016年8月31日 15 MAY 2016, TEMPLE东景缘, BEIJING OUTDOOR VIDEO PROJECTION, UNTIL 15 JUNE 2016 PHOTO EXHIBITION @ GALLERY, UNTIL 31 AUGUST 2016 奥利维埃·罗勒(法国,1971年)居住工作在巴黎。擅长当代权力男性的肖像画拍摄,罗勒为世界上经济,政治,媒体以及娱乐界的各个重要人物拍摄过官方肖像画,是新闻采访界炙手可热的摄影师。 他曾经受邀卢浮宫拍摄最负盛名的古罗马的雕塑,他的独辟新径的拍摄赋予了整组雕塑新的意义。他的这种探索打开了世界各地最伟大的博物馆收藏之门(朱庇特神殿的博物馆和梵蒂冈博物馆(罗马),大英博物馆(伦敦),纽约嘉士伯美术馆(哥本哈根)。 这一系列的照片,“权力人物”透过当代的视角去重新审视古代,突显出权力的脆弱性。从这个角度,艺术家同时捕捉到权力的荣耀和浮华。他的作品通过古代和当代如炼金术一般美妙的摄影的对比来吸引观看者,通过他的表现起到画龙点睛的作用,突显出被拍摄的人物和人物个性。他对挂毯尚未公开发表的研究,使他成为最受追捧的巴黎摄影艺术收藏家之一。 此次受驻北京法国大使馆的邀请,罗勒拍摄了西安的兵马俑并延长了其在亚洲大陆的创作,试图呈现出有辉煌文明的古代中国与欧洲大陆史无前例的交锋。 奥利维埃·罗勒的作品是公共和私人收藏的重要组成部分。2015年和2016年,他的作品在巴黎哥白林画廊、阿尔勒黑阿杜美术馆、罗马阿特姆彼斯宫国家博物馆展出。 Olivier Roller (France, 1971) lives and works in Paris. Specializing in contemporary portraiture of men in power, Roller has made official portraits of important people from the world of economic, politic, media or entertainment, becoming a desirable photographer for news interviews. Invited by the Louvre Museum to photograph the most prestigious, ancient Roman sculptures, Roller creates a fascinating and new way to reveal this significance. His search opened the doors of the greatest museum collections around the world (Capitoline Museum and Vatican Museums (Rome), British Museum (London), Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen). This series of photographs, “Figures of Power”, reexamines ancient times with a contemporary eye, underlining the fragility of power. In this light, the artist captures both the glory and the vanity of power. His works captivate viewers through a contrast between the alchemical beauty of antiquity and contemporary photography and through his ability to illuminate the stone, highlighting the character and the personality of the figures. His unpublished research on tapestries has made him one of the most sought after artists of Parisian photography collections. At the invitation of the French Embassy in Beijing, Roller photographed the terracotta army of Xi’an and is extending his work to the Asian continent, offering unprecedented confrontation between the glorious Chinese and European civilizations. The photographs of Olivier Roller are a significant part of both public and private collections. In 2015/2016, his works have been exhibited in three national museums (Manufacture des Gobelins in Paris, Musée Réattu in Arles, and National Museum at Palazzo Altemps in Rome).

Photos from Temple Hotel Beijing's post

Photos from Temple Hotel Beijing's post

金守子 “土之气” 2009 06.25 回放,有声 静态画面截取自“土-水-火-气”八个视频之一,2009-2010 受爱马仕企业基金会委托,巴黎 特别鸣谢Axel Vervoordt画廊和金守子工作室 Kimsooja Aire de Tierra /Air of Earth 2009 06.25 loop, Sound Still from one of the 8 videos Earth-Water-Fire-Air, 2009-2010 Commissioned by Hermes Foundation, Paris Courtesy of Axel Vervoordt Gallery and Kimsooja Studio 现场将展出的作品为金守子六频道视频投影装置 “土-水-火-气”中的一章,名为“土之气”。这一系列作品的创作灵感主要来源于自然界中的四种基本元素:土-水-火-气。它们互相需要而又互相排斥;它们在持续地融合、变换、消失过程中不断地与彼此产生着某种关联。兰扎罗特岛拍摄的镜头和危地马拉的火山被艺术家再创作后用来表现其对涅槃的理解,因为在那里存在着四种基本元素的“转世”,流淌着的燃烧的熔岩转变成石头和灰尘,随风飘走。 影像系列:土之火,土之水,水之土,火之气,土之气,水之气,气之火,气之水。 作品诠释了东方哲学禅佛和道教中的一种元素生于另一种元素的理念。 Currently on exhibit is a single chapter titled Air of Earth from Kimsooja’s six channel video installation Earth-Water-Fire-Air. The main concept of the series is created based on four fundamental elements of nature: Earth – Water – Fire – Air constantly interrelate to one another as they continue to merge, transform and extinct while organically embracing and excluding one another. Video footages taken in Lanzarote Island and Guatemalan volcanoes are featured as the artist’s visual manifestation of nirvana in which each four basic elements reincarnate; burning lava flow became rocks and dust that blew in the air. Titles of each videos, Fire of Earth, Water of Earth, Earth of Water, Air of Fire, Air of Earth, Air of Water, Fire of Air, Water of Air support such interchanging idea that characteristics of one element is created by the other elements that is related to eastern philosophy, such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism. 金守子 Kimsooja 金守子,韩国多学派概念艺术家,现居纽约,巴黎和首尔。 展览包括: “金守子/呼吸”,蓬皮杜梅斯中心,法国,2015 “金守子 /线之路”,古根海姆博物馆,西班牙,2015 “金守子/呼吸:Bottari”,威尼斯双年展韩国馆,意大利,2013 “金守子/展开”,温哥华美术馆,加拿大,2013 “金守子/呼吸- 镜子女人”,水晶宫,索菲娅王后国家艺术中心,马德里,2006 “金守子/针女人”,PS1/MOMA,纽约,美国,2001 金守子的作品曾参加很多重要国际双年展,包括威尼斯、圣保罗、里昂、光州、伊斯坦布尔、惠特尼、欧洲当代艺术双年展等。 金守子于2015年在韩国首尔获得Ho-Am基金会颁发的Ho-Am艺术终身成就奖。 Kimsooja is a South Korean Multi-disciplinary conceptual artist based in New York, Paris, and Seoul. Exhibits include: "Kimsooja – To Breathe", Centre Pompidou Metz, France, 2015; "Kimsooja: Thread Routes, Guggenheim Bilbao", Spain, 2015; "Kimsooja, To Breathe: Bottari", The Korean Pavilion, 55th Biennale di Venezia, Italy, 2013; "Kimsooja / Unfolding", Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada, 2013; "Kimsooja, To Breathe- A Mirror Woman", Crystal Palace, Reina Sofia, Madrid, 2006; "Kimsooja: A Needle Woman", PS1/MOMA, New York, USA, 2001; Participated major International Biennales including Venice, Sao Paulo, Lyon, Gwangju, Istanbul, Whitney and Manifesta among others. Awarded the 2015 Ho-Am Prize for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts, Ho-Am Foundation, Seoul, Korea. 2016年3月16日于北京Temple东景缘开展 16 March 2016, Temple东景缘, Beijing 室外墙展映,每晚6点半到11点半 截止日期2016年5月1日 OUTDOOR VIDEO PROJECTION UNTIL 1 May 2016 18:30 - 23:00 EVERY EVENING 更多信息,请关注微信"Temple东景缘" For more information, please follow "Temple东景缘" on wechat

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