Beijing Ecoman Biotech Co. Ltd
Beijing based biotechnology company specializing in Green Pest Management Technologies (GPMT). ECOMAN BIOTECH CO., LTD. founded in 2007, is a Beijing based listed company (in NEEQ, a new market equivalent to NASDAQ) specializing in Green Pest Management Technologies (GPMT). By developing, manufacturing and marketing environment friendly pest control products, we strive to meet the need for highly efficient and cost effective solutions for major pest control issues.
Our environmentally responsible, cost-effective and highly efficient products greatly reduce environmental risks associated with synthetic agrochemical pesticides, promoting food safety and environmental protection. We provide innovative cutting-edge products along with specialized support for effective application of the products.
Core Values:
i) Innovating for a greener future – We believe in creating value through constant innovation. We create unique, environment friendly products with our thorough understanding of the market needs by first identifying the problem and then providing the solution. We strongly believe that insects/pests can be controlled a lot better through GPMT techniques than just chemical sprays.
Like in the case of fruit flies, we analyzed the damage caused by fruit flies resulting in huge financial losses across the globe. As a responsible bio control solution provider, we strived to create the most effective, environment friendly, economic solution to the farmers, leading to the development of our pioneer product- GREAT® Fruit fly Bait, with its efficacy proven in domestic as well as international markets.
ii) Working for the betterment of the end user-farmer. We provide much more than just the product with our prime focus in creating value. As a trusted bio control product company, we responsibly educate the end users through our training programs. Our training program not only helps them learn new technologies, but also creates awareness on the environment/health risks associated with chemical sprays. Our teams of technical experts’ closely monitor the field practices and provide the much-needed guidance to the end users for improved productivity and income.
In our effort to become a one-stop solution provider to our customers, we also form strategic alliances with local suppliers to meet their needs.
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