Cavan Beijing: A unique Oasis of international cuisine, cocktails and more.
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Organically Yours Wine Dinner 有机葡萄酒晚宴
Photos from Caravan Beijing's post
Thursday, capoeira music. Friday the 13th: Punk Diplomacy. Saturday, my band Moor Hick opens for Blackwater... It's gonna get rowdy at Caravan!
Live @ Caravan: Alcazar Memories ( Paul Lay Trio)
This Thursday, 22:00... one of the most promising Jazz pianists of this generation comes down to Caravan.. Paul Lay with his Alcazar Memories!
Home - Sherpa's
驼队外卖 - Caravan2Go: Now on Sherpa's & Jinshisong 2016-04-26 Caravan驼队餐吧 "If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain." Caravan has been providing some stellar food over in the CBD are for over a year now. In this time, we've been asked more often than not about delivery etc... About 2 months ago, we kickstarted things with Jinshisong. Now, we're kicking it up to another gear with Sherpa's. Yes, Caravan's menu is now fully available, including our award winning cocktails and our business lunch!! So no longer will you need to feel left out because you don't have enough time to get over to guanghua lu..... guanghua lu comes to you! 咱们一年多在CDB做摩洛哥美食,鸡尾酒。。。 但是有的朋友们来不了。那来不了的话我们开始跟两家外卖公司合作:锦食送 (jinshisong) 和 食派士 (Sherpa's). 食派士 也有我们中午套餐 :-) Caravan on Sherpa's Caravan on Jinshisong
The Curse of Robert Johnson (one night only)
Photos from Caravan Beijing's post
This week, we have an exceptionally strong lineup of music coming your way folks. Let's get to it: 本周咱们家有三个特别不一样的演出: Thursday 周四:2016.4.21 - Free The Curse of Robert Johnson约翰逊罗伯特的诅咒 Friday周五:2016.4.22 - RMB40 Abel & Hawke (w/ Special guest XinXin) 美国兰草音乐 Saturday周六:2016.4.23 - RMB50 Ode to Spring (1 evening, 5 bands): 春天来了(一个晚上,5个乐队)。
Caravan Beijing's cover photo
Photos from Caravan Beijing's post
We've crossed the one year mark recently and learned a thing or ten about what you guys want from Caravan and how to better serve your needs! Consequently, a few things are changing and here is what's cooking: We recently updated all of our menus with more seasonal dishes, original cocktails and business lunch deals! We're also updating all of our promotions and specials for the spring: 我们在开业的一年多的时间里更好的感受到了怎样更好的服务您所需要的,因此我们,我们做了一些改变: 我们最近更新了我们的菜单有更多季节性的菜品,独创的鸡尾酒和一些商业午餐!我们也更新了一些特殊的活动在春天: - Movie Mondays 周一电影之夜 We started movie mondays almost 3 months ago and we're having fun with it! This little series will continue for the foreseable future and have a few more twists including screenings of Game of Thrones starting April 25th. Every monday, expect special prices on select wines and cocktails matching the movie! 我们开始了这项活动在三个月之前同样我们也非常享受周一电影之夜,我们也将在4月25日之后播放一些电视剧系列包括冰与火之歌等。 - Veg Tuesdays 周二素食之夜 This new promotion now takes over for our Cajun Tuesdays.. Every tuesday, get any vegetarian or vegan main 1/2 off at Caravan. 素食之夜对于之前的卡津之夜是一个新的提升。每个周二可以享受任意素食菜的半价在驼队餐吧。 - Wacky Wine Wednesdays红酒之夜: We're putting on one of our favorite promotions we ever encountered: Every wednesday, come to Caravan and enjoy a free flow of tapas from 6:00 p.m to 10 p.m with the purchase of a bottle of wine priced at RMB200+ 周三古怪的 我们做了一个之前从未做过的促销在这一天:每个星期三:来到驼队餐吧从晚上6点到晚上10点之前购买一瓶价值200元以上的红酒便可以免费获得一些小吃。 - Brazil Thursdays周四巴西之夜 We've launched this special over two months ago with our buddies from Capoeira Mandinga and we're loving it. Feijoadas, Pao de Quejo, Caipirinhas, and Capoeira music. This baby is here to stay! 我们和巴西战舞开始这项活动在两个月之前我们非常热爱它。黑豆饭,迷你奶酪面包,鸡尾酒和一些音乐,这些一直在这里! - Couscous Fridays周五库斯库斯午餐 Our longest lasting event is ever so popular with couscous flying out of the kitchen on Fridays. The record is still standing at 3 plates..... will anyone ever break it? 我们为时最长也是最受欢迎的库斯库斯午餐,我们的记录是一位顾客吃了三分库斯库斯午餐,您会打破这个记录吗? - Free Flow Weekends不限量的周末 Every saturday and sunday, between 12:30 to 16:30, get a free flow of House wine, Select Beers, Gin & Tonics, Rum & Cokes and Select cocktails for RMB150pp with the purchase of our set lunch (78 for 2 courses). There's no better way to recover from a hard week and get ready for the night ahead! 不限量的 每周六和周日:从中午12:30到下午16:30分,只需150元没人便可以享受红酒,精选扎啤,金汤力,和一些精选的鸡尾酒,但是要点我们的单人午餐(78元可以选择两道菜肴),没有比这更好的方式来弥补这一个艰难的星期以及夜晚来临之前的准备。 The REAL Happy Hour: Everyday 10 to 11 pm真正的欢乐时光: Ever feel like you can't ever get to any happy hour as they finish at 7 or 8 pm? Well, we got the answer for you! We're adding a second happy hour daily, from 10 to 11 p.m, so you don't have to rush! Wether you're pre-gaming for a long night out clubbing or just need a little after dinner refreshment, we got you covered! 一些人认为似乎不能享受欢乐时光当他们结束在晚上7点或者8点的时候,所以我们增加了另一个欢乐时光,每晚10点到11点,所以你不需要着急。即使你在这个晚上已经有其他的活动或者还想继续喝酒在结束晚餐之后。 see you in Guanghua Lu 光华路见
Caravan in the News...
Caravan Beijing's cover photo
Photos from Caravan Beijing's post
Our April Screening at Caravan: 4/4: Priscilla Queen of the Desert 沙漠妖姬 4/11: Lawrence of Arabia 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 4/18: House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏 4/25: seven samurai 七武士 + Game of Thrones Season 6 Priscilla Queen of the Desert 沙漠妖姬 FREE DRINK FOR ANYONE WHO DRESSES IN DRAG! Two drag-queens (Anthony/Mitzi and Adam/Felicia) and a transexual (Bernadette) contract to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs, a resort town in the remote Australian desert. They head west from Sydney aboard their lavender bus, Priscilla. En route, it is discovered that the woman they've contracted with is Anthony's wife. Their bus breaks down, and is repaired by Bob, who travels on with them. 异装癖表演者班丽娜(Terence Stamp 饰)、米芝(Hugo Weaving 饰)因一位好友去世而再度聚首,米芝得到澳洲中部城市的表演机会邀请班丽娜同往,同行费莉茜(Guy Pearce 饰)为圆“沙漠女王”之梦要求搭伙,并借来了经改装的大巴作为代步工具。三人风风火火的踏上旅程,上了年纪的班丽娜于路对往事讳莫如深,与年轻躁动的费莉茜生出不少琐碎口角,米芝则不时陷入对自己那场婚姻的回忆。他们在沿途经过的小镇大秀妖冶,得到了不少惊愕的目光,当然也有赞许。因为一次抛锚,对班丽娜昔日表演难以忘怀的修理工老巴得以加入他们的旅程。众人终于抵达目的地,虽然观众不甚热情,但米芝终于见到了儿子,而班丽娜决定和老巴在一起…… 本片获1995年奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖等多项褒奖 Lawrence of Arabia 阿拉伯的劳伦斯 An inordinately complex man who has been labeled everything from hero, to charlatan, to sadist, Thomas Edward Lawrence blazed his way to glory in the Arabian desert, then sought anonymity as a common soldier under an assumed name. The story opens with the death of Lawrence in a motorcycle accident in Dorset at the age of 46, then flashbacks to recount his adventures: as a young intelligence officer in Cairo in 1916, he is given leave to investigate the progress of the Arab revolt against the Turks in World War I. In the desert, he organizes a guerrilla army and--for two years--leads the Arabs in harassing the Turks with desert raids, train-wrecking and camel attacks. 一战爆发后,德国盟友土耳其趁机侵入阿拉伯半岛。英国军方派陆军情报军官劳伦斯(彼得•奥图 Peter O’Toole 饰)去阿拉伯各部活动,试图发现部族首领费萨尔王子(亚历克•吉尼斯 Alec Guiness 饰)的最终政治企图。劳伦斯在途中结识了哈里苏部族首领阿里(奥玛•雪瑞夫 Omar Sharif 饰),并奉费萨尔王子之命与阿里率突击队穿过纳夫德沙漠奇袭亚喀巴城,途中还取得哈维塔特部族首领奥达(安东尼•奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)的信任。胜利后劳伦斯换上阿拉伦人服装,与阿里带领游击队开展针对土耳其的炸毁铁路的恐怖活动,威震中东;却没想到自己的命运却从此扭转直下…… House of Flying Daggers 十面埋伏 During the reign of the Tang dynasty in China, a secret organization called "The House of the Flying Daggers" rises and opposes the government. A police officer called Leo sends officer Jin to investigate a young dancer named Mei, claiming that she has ties to the "Flying Daggers". Leo arrests Mei, only to have Jin breaking her free in a plot to gain her trust and lead the police to the new leader of the secret organization. But things are far more complicated than they seem... 唐大中十三年,民间涌现不少反昏君反腐官的组织,其中以打着“杀富济贫推翻朝廷”旗号的飞刀门的势力最大。飞刀门总部设在靠近都城长安的奉天县境内,为保长安安全,朝廷下令奉天县府将飞刀门成员悉数剿灭。 奉天县两大捕头刘捕头(刘德华)与金捕头(金城武)收到限期缉拿飞刀门新任帮主归案的命令。因怀疑牡丹坊的舞妓小妹(章子怡)是飞刀门前帮主的女儿,刘捕头设计将她拿下押入天牢,后又与金捕头再度设下圈套令金捕头化身义士将她救出,想骗取她的信任查出飞刀门的巢穴,但他不知的是,除了在公务上与金捕头和小妹打交道外,私情上也会与他们有番纠缠 seven samurai 七武士 + Game of Thrones Season 6 A veteran samurai, who has fallen on hard times, answers a village's request for protection from bandits. He gathers 6 other samurai to help him, and they teach the townspeople how to defend themselves, and they supply the samurai with three small meals a day. The film culminates in a giant battle when 40 bandits attack the village. 日本战国时代,一小山村面临着山贼的威胁,为了保护秋天的收成,村中长老决定让去请武士来保护村子安全,但只能拿出的报酬是一天三顿的白米饭。在城里,他们遭到了武士白眼甚至被打。直到勘兵卫(志村乔饰)的出现,他现今已沦为浪人,几经考虑最后答应了。他对农民说至少需要七名武士,于是久藏(宫口精二饰)、胜四郎(木村功饰)、五郎(稻叶义男饰)、七郎(加东大介饰)、平八(千秋实饰)和菊千代(三船敏郎饰)等六人也加入了队伍,七个人肩负保卫村子的任务。 整个防御准备的过程中,武士与农民间发生许多摩擦也闹出不少笑话。而在一次偷袭行动中,有武士为救农民被火枪打死,很快山贼的反扑随之而来,一场恶战即将开始 As we did last year, we will be screening episodes of Game of Thrones as they are released, every monday evening. Episode one will be screened right after "Seven Samurai" and from there on, we will be showing two episodes every Monday evening starting at 9:00 p.m ....because you know winter is coming!
Probably my favorite new flyer!! #drunkdiplomacy #caravanbeijing #drink #freeflow

punk #mohawk

Little Punk performing at Caravan. I absolutely loved them 💫🌟 #caravan #littlepunk #band #performing #live #music #instabeijing #instamusic #instacool #vsco #vscocam #vscobeijing #vscochina #guitar #voice #duo #beijing #igersbeijing #mychina


Embrace new begining and new life.


China tour.

#china #Beijing #photography



好久没上过了 国内封的太厉害了


