China Classifieds is the biggest classified ads posting website for multinationals living in China. Welcome to China Classifieds - the biggest classified ads posting website for multinationals living in China. Our community is designed to provide a platform where individuals and businesses can buy, sell, swap, giveaway, rent or hire.
CN-CFS stands for ChiNa ClassiFiedS.
It’s free – no fees applied for posting ads.
It’s categorized – see only what you want to see.
It’s nationwide – more than 600 Chinese cities are covered.
Some ideas what you can do on China Classifieds:
Sell your used phone sitting in your drawer.
Sell the guitar you never really play.
Sell your sister’s baby stroller that’s hiding in her closet.
Sell your motorcycle and upgrade to a newer one.
Sell those shoes that don’t quite fit.
Sell your car.
Rent apartments or rooms, can even find a roommate to share with.
Need a babysitter or tutor for your kids? Look up on China Classifieds.
Can’t speak Chinese? Not a big deal! Check for Chinese classes or find a private tutor in your community.
Do not know what to do with your clothes? Sell it or simply give it away.
Are you currently between jobs? Check China Classifieds for a new opportunity! For employers it is an easy and fast way to find a suitable employee.
Tell your friends
facebook.comIKEA lamp with bulb for 40 rmb
shared apt in ma dang road
Seeking 2 roommates for a huge (200 sq m)
Toys for sale
studioes for rent near line 1 in shanghai city.
Cool room near line3/4 Zhongtan rd
International room near Jinshajiang metro station/line 3&4&13
International room near line 3&4&13/jingshajiang
Education Consultant
2bedrooms apartment near Xujiahui
New Arizona Birkenstocks

