Kylin Contemporary Art Center, founded in London in 2014, devotes to promoting contemporary art practices.
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Kylin Contemporary Center of Art 麒麟当代艺术中心
Kylin Contemporary Center of Art 麒麟当代艺术中心
Kylin Center for Contemporary Art kindly invited to 超越行动 BEYOND ACTION 2016.01.16 - 2016.04.06 Opening Cerimony Saturday Jan 16 Exhibition Opening performance by Duan Yingmei and Zhou Bin ---------------------------------- 超越行动 Beyond Action 参展艺术家:朱冥、肖鲁、黄锐、段英梅、苍鑫、周斌、何云昌、杨志超、幸鑫、何成瑶、董金玲、刘成瑞、张彬彬 Participant Artists: Zhu Ming, Xiao Lu, Huang Rui, Duan Yingmei, Cang Xin, Zhou Bin, He Yunchang, Yang Zhichao, Xing Xin, He Chengyao, Dong Jinling, Liu Chengrui, Zhang Binbin 策展人:茜茜,乔纳斯,陈赟冰 Curators: Cecilia Freschini/ Jonas Stampe / Chen Yunbing 开幕式:2016年1月16日下午2点至6点 展期:2016年1月16日—4月6日(10:00—18:00, 周一闭馆, 1月30至2月21日放假) Opening Reception: Saturday, Jan 16, 2-6 pm Duration: January 16 - April 6, 2016 (Open Daily: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Closed on Mondays and from Jan 30 to Feb 21 for Chinese New Year Holiday) 开幕艺术现场: 1. 周斌 《偶发行为工作坊》 2. 段英梅《快乐英梅》 Exhibition Opening performance by Duan Yingmei “Happy Yingmei” And Zhou Bin "Occasional behavior workshop" 地址:麒麟当代艺术中心 北京市朝阳区南皋路129号 Venue: Kylin Contemporary Center of Art, 129 Nangao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 主办:麒麟当代艺术中心 Organizer: Kylin Contemporary Center of Art 媒体支持:中央美院艺讯网、雅昌艺术网、艺术中国、99艺术网 凤凰艺术网 Media Support: CAFA ART INFO, ARTRON.NET, ART.CHINA.CN, WWW.99YS.COM, PHOENIX ART 学术教育活动: 1月17日,14:00—18:00,艺术家与策展人对谈,麒麟当代艺术中心报告厅 3月21日,14:00—18:00 《行为艺术在中国》,Jonas Stampe,麒麟当代艺术中心报告厅 Academic and Educational Conferences: 17 Jan 2016, 2-6 pm, ‘In Conversation: Artists and Curators, Kylin Contemporary Center of Art 21 Mar 2016, 2-6 pm, ‘Performance Art in China’, lecture by Jonas Stampe, Kylin Contemporary Center of Art 观众互动体验项目: 1月28日,14:00—17:00,遇见流浪兔,麒麟当代艺术中心展厅 Interaction Activities with Audience: 28 Jan 2016, 2-5 pm, ‘Meeting the Wandering Rabbit’, Kylin Contemporary Center of Art
Timeline Photos
randian - Beyond Action – KCCA
超越行动 | 艺廊网 ArtThat
Special Guests: Beyond Action's artists
Zhu Ming, Xiao Lu, Huang Rui, Duan Yingmei, Cang Xin, Zhou Bin, He Yunchang, Yang Zhichao, Xing Xin, He Chengyao, Dong Jinling, Liu Chengrui, Zhang Binbin