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熊猫精酿成立于2013年初,现在是中国精酿啤酒的中坚力量,为有趣而酿造是我们酿酒的理念,对品质的孜孜追求是我们酿酒的根本。PandaBrew founded early 2013, now is the leading brand in Chinese craft brewing.
Anytime Fitness is your friendly 24-hour gym in JinQiao, of Shanghai, China. Get a free 7-day pass: http://www.anytimefitness.com/membership/gym-pass
Gaia2 will serve Gaia style Italian contemporary classics.
The Shanghai Comedy Club is the nation's premier full time multi-functional comedy club. Now with 2 locations.
Kylin Contemporary Art Center, founded in London in 2014, devotes to promoting contemporary art practices.
The business scope of FZ Century includes steel trading; The designing and operation management of the steel tube mill