Centre members research the languages, cultures, and civilizations of German-speaking peoples. Many events are open to the public.
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facebook.comThe Weimar Republic: Gone But Not Forgotten | JSTOR Daily
A quick summary about the Weimar Republic.
Aus der Literaturbeilage der F.A.Z. zum Advent: Die wichtigsten Romane,...
Ein paar Buchempfehlungen der FAZ:
Animal Studies and the Voice of the Other
Come to our evening lecture next week, where Arizona State University researcher Ron Broglio will trace back to the 18th-century sensibility movement contemporary post-humanist ideas of animals having a voice. In his talk, he will pursue what animal studies can push against in terms of the animal “rights” movement.
Best German animal words that having nothing to do with animals |...
And a few more interesting German words for your day.
A Yale history professor’s powerful, 20-point guide to defending...
Timothy Snyder, our 2017 Grimm Lecturer, just published this.
Why Little Red Riding Hood is caught between innocence and sexuality |...
A little bit on the history of Little Red Riding Hood (Rotkäppchen).
Francesca Melandri and Christopher Kloeble on confronting history...
We had Christopher Kloeble as a guest of the Goethe-Institut Toronto Nov 1. This interview just appeared on CBC's Writers and Company this past weekend. Christopher is with Italian novelist and screenwriter Francesca Melandri and Writers and Company host Eleanor Wachtel.
EU Film Festival TO on Twitter
via European Union Film Festival - Toronto : #EUFF2016 Audience Choice Award winner goes to Germany thoughtful comedy #HEADFULLOFHONEY by Til Schweiger Goethe-Institut Toronto
Die endlose Debatte
Kanada hat ja Quoten für kanadischen Inhalt bei Radiosendern (normalerweise zwischen 10% und 50%, je nach Musikart). Deutschland debattiert das noch. Meinungen? via Goethe-Institut
Reformation: Martin Luther, der Vater des Arbeitsfetischs
Reformation: Martin Luther, der Vater des Arbeitsfetischs | ZEIT ONLINE
Grimm Lecture 2017 - Timothy Snyder: The Holocaust as History and Warning
Our 2017 Grimm Lecture is happening EARLY: next February! We'll be welcoming Timothy Snyder, the author of five award-winning works of history, including "Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin," which received the Literature Award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His topic for 2017's Grimm Lecture is "The Holocaust as History and Warning." Registration strongly recommended.
Animal Studies and the Voice of the Other
Ron Broglio will trace back to the 18th-century sensibility movement contemporary post-humanist ideas of animals having a voice. In his talk, he will pursue what animal studies can push against in terms of the animal “rights” movement.