We are an intercultural and multigenerational congregation, located in the Dixon and Islington area of West Toronto. Kingsview is an intercultural and multigenerational congregation that lives out our faith in God by serving our local and global communities.
We are a part of the Free Methodist Church in Canada (
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Looking forward to our Family Communion service this coming Sunday morning. Our topic is the virtue Charity (aka "Giving is Winning"). Plus camp-style music, testimony time, and a game for the kids. We hope you can join us!
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"The hallmark of well-entrenched a willingness to use people to serve our love for money, rather than the use of money to serve our love for people." - Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung If your heart could talk, what would it say about it's relationship to money and possessions?
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The fruit of greed's branch on the tree of vice. "No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." Ephesians 5:5 (NIV)
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This Sunday, we continue our series on Virtue & Vice, with a look at greed... "Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world." Colossians 3:5b (NLT)
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Thanks Rev. Kim Henderson for giving us a great picture of the virtue of diligence: rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem from the book of Nehemiah. Remember this week to read the first 6 chapters (or the whole book) and to keep track of how you spend your time... "We returned to building, focused and determined to work as one people." - Nehemiah 4:6a (VOICE)
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The twigs and fruit of the Sloth branch on the tree of vice. "A lazy person’s way is blocked with thornbushes, but the path of the upright is an open highway." - Proverbs 15:19 (NLT)
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Maybe this is all that comes to mind when you think about sloth. Join us tomorrow for our Sunday service as we clarify sloth's true nature.
Saying: “I do not know.”
Patience, giving ourselves into the hands of others, will involve not rushing to conclusions, but listening and admitting we don't have immediate solutions.
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The Baobab Bike Shop has classes in afternoon (1:30 & 3:30 p.m.) and an open community drop-in repair time (5:30 to 7:00 p.m.) at various locations, Monday to Thursday until Aug. 11. Mondays: 340 Dixon Rd. Tuesdays: Scarlettwood Court Wednesdays: Willowridge Thursdays: 920 Queen's Plate Dr.
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“Anger, when it is a holy emotion, has justice as its object and love as its roots. Both love and justice are focused on the good of others. Justice concerns giving to another what that other is due. Good anger is expressed in passionate efforts to make sure others get the respect they deserve, to bring about the end of oppression and tyranny, to give due punishment to those who cause injury and damage, to honour covenants and promises, to give equal treatment to the marginalized and to uphold the law. Motivated by good anger, we hunger and thirst for righteousness, an appetite that depends on justice for its object but on love for its right expression. Anger in these cases adds energy and passion to the execution of justice. The love that underlies it, however, keeps it in check, for love does not seek to destroy the other, but to set things right” - Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
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Vision United Summer Camp got underway this morning @ 9 a.m.!
What to Do About Angry Christianity
An excellent short read on Wrath and engaging our culture: "The culture is shifting rapidly, leaving many of us wary and uncertain, and anger and vitriol are the order of the day. Can Christians endure a radical renegotiation of the social contract and find ways to hold fast with what they know, articulate their views, and be heard? I believe we can, but angry activism has to be rejected, not just because it’s ineffective, but because it’s inconsistent with the message of the Gospel."