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facebook.comHey mom's!! I just wanted to come on here and let you know what's happening. Right now I'm working on finding a church to have mops in and also finding a co-leader. Brooke has stepped down as of now. I am hoping to get going for the first of Feb. Right now no mom's have committed in joining mops. If it's easier, think of how Forest Grove runs their mom's group. There will be breakfast for the mom's and snacks for the kids along with coffee and tea every Tuesday! It will still cost every month. $20 with no children $26 with 1 child $30 with 2 children $35 with 3 $40 with 4 or more If the cost is what's stopping you, work one Tuesday a month (this gives you $30 each Tuesday if you have no children with you. If you have children with you, mops keeps 5 per child) then use this to fund your attending. What is covered with the cost is 1. Childcare so you don't have to watch your child 2. Our curriculum 3. Coffee and tea 4. Some craft supplies if not all 5. Someone setting up and taking down tables and chairs 6. Kids snacks Please let me know if you want to join! Take care Jenn
"Here at MOPS, we gather moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. That’s why we rally women, in their own neighborhoods, to help them become more brave, kind and honest, one gathering at a time. So, whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom or seventh-time mom, you are welcome here. Whether you are an adoptive mom, young mom, seasoned mom, foster mom, stepmom or any other type of mom, you are welcome here. Whether you prefer to meet with other moms in a coffee shop, church, park, living room or video chat, we have something for you." MOPS International encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.
Hi!! I'm Jenn!! First, thank you so so much for joining this page. It means a lot to us to have the support we have already so far in this journey! I am a very busy mom of 2 (aren't we all!) My husband works out of the home and travels right now all across North America. He is usually home once a week out of the entire month. On top of that, our son is 9 and in grade 4 but we are a hockey family. This time next year we will be a hockey and dance family! Our daughter is 3 in Feb. Oh how time flies! I work both at home selling Rodan and Fields and having fun with Becka and am also a Education Assistant. Primarily at the High School in Warman but I LOVE it there! A couple years ago I attended my first MOPs. It was incredible. To know you had a safe fun place to go to, where you could drink coffee, tea and eat snacks without having to share them was a big win for me! That and knowing my child was taken care of and I trusted who was looking after her was a Godsend. Lets be real, unless they are napping or under the care of a babysitter, or glued to the tv, you truly don't get any ME TIME or time alone to spend with God. So thats initially why MOPs was created. Fast forward a few years, when my husband and I knew we were moving from Edmonton, AB to Warman SK I instantly was on the hunt for a mom's group like MOPs. That and a biblestudy one where both had child care. I didn't find either sadly. But it was placed on my heart to create MOPs here. After moving here and joining many moms groups on Facebook, it seemed to be a common theme that moms everywhere were looking for what I was. And now, thanks to MOPs International IT IS HERE!!
Free Indeed Welcome to the 2017-18 MOPS International Theme – Free Indeed Theme Verse The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, he has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord. -Luke 4:18-19 What do you long for? What is the thing that your heart craves? Is it possible that your deepest desire is to be free? Free from worry. Free from feeling stuck. Free from hustling to be loved. Free from a heaviness you can’t put your finger on. Free from thinking you should be someone other than exactly who you are. At the core, maybe what we are all longing for is to be Free Indeed. In order to unfold our wings this year, we will … Let Love Be The Loudest Voice Proclaim Favor Sometimes, especially as moms with young kids, life can sneak up on us, and we don’t realize that we have gotten stuck. Stuck in patterns of thinking or habits that are holding us captive. This is the year that changes, this is the year we will stop settling for what simply gets us by and do the work to get to what’s best. We will examine our worries and not believe everything we feel. We will bask in the freedom of living loved by understanding who God is, and who we are because of it. We will be free from the need to hustle for our worth, and we will live in the truth that we are already loved and loveable without all the striving. We will parent with fresh perspectives and will treat ourselves with tenderness, because love is the loudest voice we hear, and it is proclaiming freedom and favor. This is about putting in the work to live fully loved and fully free. To recover our sight in order to view not only ourselves, but other people as God’s beloved children. To internalize the truth that God does not expect us to earn or hustle for our worth. God tells us, Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:29-30 Be Gutsy Proclaim Release Sometimes we don’t take responsibility for our lives. WE carry the weight of expectations, feeling out of control over the pace and trajectory of our days. Being gutsy is about realizing that you get to decide how busy you are, what you say yes to, what is best for your family and what you make a priority in your mothering. If you need to slow down your life –you can do that. If you feel like you don’t have any friends, go out and make some. This is the year of release from believing life has to look a certain way, and isn’t there so much freedom and audacity in that? The truth is, we have more authority to shape our daily lives than we think we do. Your life can match your values and your passions, it will just take some guts to make it happen. We will proclaim release from the unwritten expectations that tell us we are supposed to live in ways that are incongruent with who God created us to be. It is freedom to mother and freedom to shape your family rhythms. To trust your gut and to move with freedom and passion just like Paul tells us to, Live freely, animated and motivated by God’s Spirit. – Galatians 5:16 Go First Set Free It is a fact that freedom is contagious. That is why we are choosing to go first in order to spark a revolution of women who are choosing freedom over fear. Going first is about being courageous enough to take steps before you are ready, to share the details of your journey, extend invitations, conquer fears, and lead the way for friends and kids and family. In fact, one of the best ways to advocate for others’ freedom is to go first ourselves, and then we can share with courage and honesty because we have found the keys that can set others free. We will go first so that we can set other captives free. Going first means being the first to tell your story, the first to strike up a conversation with a stranger, the first to invite a friend to MOPS. It is walking in freedom and inviting others to get free by encouraging other women to get honest about their failures, fears and secrets. Because what we know is, The truth will set you free. – John 8:31-32