Lebanese Entertainment 613-741-3000
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facebook.comA message from Abou Wadi3 to all his Canadian fans!! Tickets are now being sold and the volume of calls have been abnormal!! You all know how these events work, book early and you'll get the table you want!! #WassoufZeinParty 613-741-3000 for reservations!
Join us tonight for our Thursday 3oud night!! 🎤🎤
El Mazaj Restaurant will provide the Mezza and Main Course for the Georges Wassouf and Melhem Zein concert on May 20th!!
Timeline Photos
Pass by El Mazaj today to purchase your tickets!! 🎤🎼🎶
El Mazaj Restaurant
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Tickets are now ready to be sold!! Floor plan for George Wassouf and Melhem Zein concert!! 🎤🎶🎼
Timeline Photos
Get ready Ottawa for the biggest concert of the year with Sultan El Tarab Georges Wassouf and Star Melhem Zein!! Call 613-741-3000 to get your tickets! 🎤🎶🎼
Wael Kfoury in Ottawa!!
Ottawa and Wael ♥️
He's finally here ♥️ Wael in Ottawa!!!
Don't miss Star Wael Kfoury's concert tonight in Ottawa!! Call 613-741-3000 to get your tickets!! 🎶🎤🎼💃
One day left Ottawa!! Call 613-741-3000 for tomorrow Sunday April 17 to get the last tickets remaining!!!
#JourneytotheOrient would like to introduce Alison Hunter, as #emcee for this voyage to Arabia. Check out her #bio on our website may even grab your #tickets!

17 days til we #JourneytotheOrient together! Jordan – is an Arab nation on the east bank of the Jordan River and borders with Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. It is defined by ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. It is home to the famed archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300 BC, which was voted one of the New 7 Wonders of the World in 2007. The capital of Jordan is Amman. Grab your tickets from

Happening! #Ottawa?

Have a unique cultural experience at #JourneytotheOrient Bid to win a gift certificate to @santeottawa for a night of dinner and art! #voyagetoArabia

19 days til #JourneytotheOrient; meet Syria: Syria borders Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Palestine to the southwest. The capital of Syria is Damascus, which is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is a country of fertile plains, high mountains and deserts and is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups. Join our journey by purchasing tickets through:

20 days til #JourneytotheOrient Get informed about Palestine: Also known as the Holy Land, it is situated between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River. The city of Jerusalem is a sacred city for Christians, Muslims and Jews as it is the location of The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Temple Mount. The Palestinian people speak Arabic, and are either Muslim or Christian. Their customs and conventions are closely related to those of its neighboring countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Venture over to buy tickets:

21 days til #JourneytotheOrient; Introducing Egypt: Egypt, a country linking northeast Africa with the Middle East, dates to the time of the Pharaohs. Millennia-old monuments still sit along the fertile Nile River Valley, including the colossal Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza and the hieroglyph-lined Karnak Temple and Valley of the Kings tombs in Luxor. The capital, Cairo, is home to Ottoman landmarks such as Muhammad Ali Mosque. Get your tickets at:

I don't usually dress up, but when I do, I'm looking for a fob wife 💍🛳

It's low key at the night show 💨

#valentinesparty #elmazaj #friends #aboutlastnight #goodnight

حبيب القلب ابن جعجع !! #من_بشري_إلي_كندا

Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Sunday! Perhaps you are pampering yourself today. If you #JourneytotheOrient with us on March 9th, you could win a gift certificate to @holtzspa #treatyourself
