Freaks & Geeks, Coffee Shop & Gamery
A place for adults and kids alike.
Have a coffee, play a game; either or, it's all the same. Be a freak or be a geek, both are welcome - we're unique!
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facebook.comJoe Lunn will be doing a beginner campaign. All characters will be pre-generated and ready to play. This is a one day campaign Please bring some non-perishable food items for Shelter House.
Due to the high turnout at the last event we are doing a second event on Saturday starting at 2:00 pm. We will teaching all beginners how to play RPGs (role-playing games) Cost will be $2 for Shelter House and/or you may donate some canned goods for entry. Joe Lunn will be the instructor teaching us on the nuances and game etiquettes of this fun format... See you all Saturday and hopefully we will raise lots of donations as well.
A quick reminder: tonight's movie is "The circle " if you haven't seen it.... wow Saturday night magic draft Sunday yugioh
This Friday and Sunday we will be open from 12 noon to 8 p.m.
Our hours have changed... we are now open 'til 10 pm Tuesday to Sunday and closed Mondays. Come and enjoy our extended hours!
Quick reminder Pokemon community day is today... we will have lures all day
Starting next week our hours will be expanded to 10pm each night except Mondays... come and have some fun!
Great news.... our masters boosters are in! We will do a masters draft tomorrow Saturday at 7 $45.... the first 8 people ONLY will be allowed in. See you all then
We will teaching all beginners how to play RPGs (role-playing games) Cost will be $2 for Shelter House and/or you may donate some canned goods for entry. Joe Lunn will be the instructor teaching us on the nuances and game etiquettes of this fun format... See you all next week and hopefully we will raise lots of donations as well.
Here are some of the prizes given out today
Great to see so many players!