Espresso Bar/ Outdoor Gear Retail Store, located north of Montreal
Top Café, c'est un restaurant-café-bar convivial offrant des spécialités italiennes. On y trouve aussi une épicerie fine et une boutique d'artisanat local.
Cafe and bar in Collingwood, ON. Proudly serving Pilot coffee and a carefully curated selection of wine, beer, and whiskey.
Coffee, Pipes, & Delicious Treats! I'm back home & ready to treat my hometown with wonderful goodies. Supporting local & a neighborly atmosphere is my goal
Just opened Sept. 1 . Come see us. Welcome everybody,
Knocks cafe will be opening in Sussex this spring and it won't be teacups and finger sandwiches. This page will let you see how it's all coming together.
We are an artisan Cafe on Petrolia Line across from the Victoria Playhouse. Come in and check out our selection of coffees, chocolates and baked goods.
Un café-luncherie coopératif et créatif pour tous les membres de la famille, au coeur d'un ancien couvent à Baie-St-Paul!
Owned by Bill Paulick and me (Jessica LeBlanc). We are offering coffee, specialty coffee, tea, smoothies, lunch menu and more. Located at 255 Main St.
Café progressif 3e vague avec une touche d’influence italienne. Décor d’inspiration californien. Qualité sans compromis et service avec le sourire !
We are an upscale coffee shop in Fergus, Ontario, Canada!
Café Mordant, du mordant pour les bêtes et leur maitres!!
A Petite Eatery in the Heart of Wellington PEC; Inspired by the Rural Cafes of Europe. Serving Breakfast, Lunch, Incredible Pastry & Breads and Coffee
New Espresso Bar located across from Indian Beach in the Black Spoon Market, specializing in tasty baked goods and the island's freshest coffee
hi want the games free FASHION STORY
Tea Café � Board Games � Barbershop
Runway Cafe is homecooking with a grandma's kitchen feel. Every meal starts with a fresh cookie! One full meal hot buffet daily and eggs Benny to die for!
Old fashioned home baking and delicious ice cream.
Your favorite Starbucks® coffee might be closer than you think. Stop by Koffee Grounds and see for yourself. #weproudlyserve
Serving delicious coffees, teas and home-made foods for customers on the go as well as those who want to sit with friends and family in a warm atmosphere.
G&D Installation et vitrerie générale pour la vitrerie générale, portes, fenêtres, miroirs, douches de verre, celliers,dosserets,moustiquaire,calfeutrage,
This Facebook page is for the Laurentian University Residence Complex, providing information on residence events, important info, and our facilities.
Budweiser Gardens is an award-winning, multi-purpose venue operated by Spectra Venue Management (formerly Global Spectrum), home of the London Knights.
Apron Matron: -Stylishly unusual Aprons -Functionally Creative Aprons -A.S.A.P.-As Sustainable As Possible
we are a family owned and opperated restaurant in Espanola Ontario, we are very thankful to our wonderful customers! Heliski & Heliboard. Small-groups. Deep Snow. Revelstoke. BC. Canada.
Performance Horse Tack
Lundi et Mardi , nous sommes fermé Mercredi au samedi 11:00 à 23:00 Dimanche 11:00 à 21:00