Keep up-to-date with what is happening at Cornerstone Church by "Liking" this page or by visiting our website.
Please join us Sunday morning for Service at 9:30am with Sunday School following at 11:11. If you'd like any more information feel free to contact us through Facebook or head to our website and take a look at our information there. Thanks for visiting our page!
Tell your friends
facebook.comGood news!!! Our Sermons are finally available online again. All the bugs have been worked out. Check out Pastor Rick's sermon from Sunday, April 1st by clicking below.
This is just a reminder that giving to our Lent project ends on Easter Sunday (April 1st). You can also e-transfer or use PayPal if you would prefer to give in that way.
Just a friendly reminder to bring some treats to share if you are able to!
Are you a man? Are you looking to connect? Check out this month's breakfast and guest speaker. RSVP to or DM me on FB if you plan on attending
Hey church! Great news, you can see this week's announcement video on our new website! Click the link below vvvvv
One of the great features of our new website is the Calendar Card. It will allow you to see what is actually happening in the coming weeks so you are aware of what you can get plugged into. Click the link below to check out our new calendar page.
BREAKING NEWS!!! Our website is down, but Pastor Luke has something exciting to share. Watch him explain below
We would love to see you at our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services as we celebrate in Jesus' sacrifice and what it means for us today. Consider inviting a friend or someone who needs to hear the message of the cross. 315 Lenore Drive 9:30am Service on Good Friday & Easter Sunday
Friendly reminder!
Bring your warm clothes, sled and skates and come out for some fun! We'll have hot chocolate, coffee and cookies available at the church afterwards.
THIS THURSDAY, grades 1-4 from 6:30-8pm. See details below