No Money, No Barter, No Exchange. Everything is free at the Really Really Free Market. A Really Really Market is a market where everything is really, really free. People bring things to the market that they no longer want or need and other people at the market take these things away. You don't need to bring anything to take anything but we ask that all of the things you bring are clean and in working condition. We also cannot take any large items - by "large", we mean anything that needs to be transported by car or truck. You can also offer free services but let us know beforehand so we can tell market goers and set up a space for you.
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facebook.comMarch 19th North York RRFM
We have the permit for the next market. It will be on Saturday, March 19th, 10 am to 3 pm. See you there!
Pics of the January Market
Did you come to the last market?
The market is tomorrow!
Jan 30th Market
Don't forget that the next Really Really Free Market is Saturday, January 30th, 10 am to 3 pm.