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Regina Apostolic Church

808 Assiniboine Ave East, Regina, Canada
Religious Organization



We gather each Saturday at 7PM and Sunday at 9AM and 11AM.
Join us for one of our services! We are known for our charismatic praise and worship, emphasis on prayer and healing, biblical teaching and preaching, age relevant ministries, welcoming atmosphere, hospitality, and generosity.
Here at Regina Apostolic Church, we believe everyone has value, everyone deserves a place to connect and belong, and everyone has something to contribute to the vision we have of impacting the city of Regina and surrounding communities with the transformative power of Jesus Christ.


There is still time to come to the 11:00am service today to be part of our exciting re-enactment where Jesus comes through with a donkey, along with a performance from our early childhood classes afterwards! It’s an exciting Palm Sunday!

You’re invited to attend our special Palm Sunday & Easter services! On Palm Sunday, come and be a part of our exciting re-enactment where Jesus comes through with a donkey, along with a short performance from our early childhood classes. On Easter weekend, there will be fun for the whole family! Adults can experience “The Greatest Day in History” dramatic re-enactment, while kids can enjoy the KIDS EDITION with treats, crafts and a giant treasure hunt (Sunday services only)!

Happy Friday everyone! Here’s a quick reminder for Corporate Prayer - happening tonight in the Prayer Centre starting at 7PM. See you there! #prayhard🙏

Women of all ages and experience are welcome to come and join us tomorrow evening for a time of exploring how using dance could help deepen your freedom in personal worship and communion with God!

Happy Friday everyone! Did you know it’s February already? #wheredidthetimego Please join us for Corporate Prayer tonight from 7pm-8pm in the Prayer Centre 😊 Feel free to stay as long as you like though because regular Friday night prayer will continue after👍🏼 Be blessed!

Happy Thursday everyone! We’re looking forward to this weekend’s seminar with Pastor Ernie! 😃 If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do so at #financialfreedomisyours

Happy Thursday everyone! Did you know Pastor Ernie will be here on Jan 20th and will be teaching a seminar on finances? Whether you need to get your finances back on track after the holidays or you need a goal with a plan to work towards, make sure you don’t miss it! Register online at #financialfreedom

Hi Everyone! It’s almost Friday and we thought we’d send out a note about the Married For Life info night happening this Sunday at 7pm at the church. Come and find out how this ministry has helped many couples in our church family! #keeponloving

Thank you everyone who came to pray yesterday over the lunch hour! Quick reminder that we will meet in the Prayer Centre today instead of the Sanctuary. Looking forward to seeing you all there! #happynewyear #prayerandfasting

Hi Everyone! We hope you’re enjoying the holidays! Quick reminder that the services this weekend are Saturday at 7pm, Sunday at 10am and a New Year’s Eve service at 7pm. Invite your friends!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hi Friends! Christmas is almost here! We hope to see you at one of our Candlelight Services this Sunday (4PM & 6PM). Bring friends too :) There will only be one regular Sunday morning service at 10AM on Dec 24th. We will have regular Saturday night service at 7PM. See you there! #merrychristmas


NEAR Regina Apostolic Church

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Regina, Canada
Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant