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South Red Deer Fit Body Boot Camp

4705 - 50 Ave, Red Deer, Canada
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Discover The South Red Deer Fitness Boot Camp That Burns Twice The Fat, Gets You Fit And Challenges Your Body Every Time.


The Fighter #WEEKENDWARRIOR (March 3 & 4) Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.). After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch. Complete 3 rounds with GOOD form: 10 Sit-Ups with left and right jab at the top 20 Punch + Squat (duck) 30 Ali Shuffle 1-1 (FAST FEET! One foot forward, then other foot forward) 40 Jump Rope - mix it up with crossing your arms if you want to get fancy! 50 Carioca (1-1, 2-2, 25 left and 25 right) (side ways motion, stable core, foot behind, foot in front - like a grapevine!)

Jonathan said he had not tried a whole lot in the past for training. Sure, he’d been to a chain gym and lifted weights, but that was about it. He also said that his biggest obstacles were no set workout plan and no portion control at meal time. Joining FBBC has made all the difference for Jonathan. Since starting with Lacombe FBBC in October 2016: Jonathan has lost OVER 30 POUNDS 17 INCHES and 4% BODY FAT He has also decreased his Visceral (DEEP BELLY) Fat by 2 points and increased his muscle mass by 2%. “Fit Body Boot Camp is different because of the trainer's. They run these awesome challenging workouts, and make sure your doing the workouts properly, so you don't hurt yourself. They are always there for you with whatever you need - like nutrition advice.” “My life is different because now I have a set workout plan and am more conscious of what I’m eating. I choose to reward myself for my successes by continuing on. I keep showing up for workouts and try to lead a healthy lifestyle. And, it was necessary to get clothes that actually fit me.” Jonathan attends FBBC 5 days a week. “I stay committed and motivated day in and day out from my positive results and positive comments from the trainers and my bootcamp family. Fit Body Boot Camp is exactly what I needed to get back into athlete mode.” Works for dudes, too. You should give us a chance. You probably need the fresh challenge. Love your Fit Body Boot Camp team

Almond & Cacao “Bliss” Balls (Servings 22) #WhatsCookingWednesday Ingredients: 24 fresh pitted dates ½ cup almonds ¼ cup raw cacao powder, plus extra for rolling 2 Tbsp. coconut oil unsweetened coconut (optional) Directions: 1. In a food processor, blend the dates, almonds, cacao and coconut oil and process for 2–3 minutes or until the mixture comes together. 2. Roll tablespoons of the dough into golf-size balls and roll in extra cacao to coat.

Increasing our plank game 💪

Did you know that LOVE HANDLES are a sign of insulin resistance? Maybe you need our 28 Day Sugar Detox, too? Message us for details...

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Building strong humans 💪 Marvelous Monday!!

Launching to a new week like BOOM! #setgoalsandcrushthem #webuildstrongerhumans

#MONDAYCHALLENGE Eat Home for the ENTIRE WEEK! :-) This week’s challenge will save you $$$, help you feel more energized, fuel your body with higher quality nutrients… and also might help you lose a few pounds! Are you ready for it!? This week…. For the ENTIRE WEEK…. Your challenge is to eat at home (and bring your lunch to work)! The key to this challenge is plan and prepare. This may seem like a lot of work- but it’s doesn’t have to be. Plus- it’s extremely liberating to know that you’ve always got healthy food in the fridge, and you don’t have to figure out what your next meal is going to be. Here are some things to keep in mind: 1. It is not all about money, but eating homemade meals does cost less. For the amount of cash you spend on a single meal at a restaurant, you can buy enough ingredients to prepare several meals at home. 2. When you prepare food at home, you know exactly what’s IN it. Most of the time, meals out are carb-heavy, and soaked in unhealthy oils and fats. You really never know what you’re eating when you eat out! 3. Cooking and eating at home is a great way to spend time with your family…. This creates great memories and builds stronger relationships at home. And remember- this DOESN’T have to be time consuming. You can make something amazing at home in less than 20 minutes!! You’re just a Google search away from some healthy, easy, and incredibly delicious home-cooked recipes! Are you in? Let me know below! What’s on the menu this week?! Let’s discuss!

Kettlebells Level 1 & 2 at SRD today. We are building stronger people, and teaching skills to take your training to the next level. Big double presses... 16s (that's 72 pounds!) #webuildstrongerhumans #reddeerfitness #reddeer

A little team bonding in the Saturday morning partner workout!


NEAR South Red Deer Fit Body Boot Camp

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Red Deer, Canada
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