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École Royal Vale School

5851 Somerled Avenue, Montreal, Canada



Welcome to the new and improved École Royal Vale School!  


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Congratulations to Jonathan and Victor who took home the gold medal at yesterday's G.M.A.A.'s Badminton Tournament at LaurenHill Academy. Well Done!

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Photos from École Royal Vale School's post

Congratulations to our Secondary 1 student, Miller Bouskill, who gave an awesome performance at yesterday's E.M.S.B. Public Speaking Contest. Her story, A Refugee's Journey, truly captivated the audience. We are so proud of you.

Photos from École Royal Vale School's post

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Great Game against Lester B. Pearson High School. Thanks for hosting us!

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École Royal Vale School

École Royal Vale School

2017 Science Olympics Thank you to all the teachers and high school students who helped make the event a success!

2017 Science Olympics

Thank you to all the teachers and high school students who helped make the event a success!

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KidKnits Service Project Royal Vale Grade 2 and Grade 6 students have "buddied" up to embark on an exciting service-oriented knitting project. They are knitting adult and child-sized winter hats made from fair trade hand-spun yarn, while learning about the realities of global poverty and their opportunity to be global leaders. The hats will be donated to adults and small children in need this coming Fall.

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RVS Cooking Club

Mrs. Vuong's Cooking good!

RVS Cooking Club

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Knock, Knock; Give a Sock! Our grade 2 elementary students recently helped the Knock, Knock; Give a Sock organization collect for those in need. Our students recently prepared bags with warm socks and heartfelt words of encouragement to homeless people in Montreal. Thank you to our RVS families who helped make this campaign a success. A special thank you to Leah, Lex and Olam for spearheading the initiative.

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Congrats to our Sec 1 to 5 students who made it on the Second Term Honor Roll! Keep up the great work.

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Extreme Chair Makeover Our Royal Vale high school students have began to transform old wooden chairs into creative masterpieces! Students have paired up with one another and came up with themes for their chairs. They have already painted the second coat of primer and will soon begin to add colour and detail. The final step will be adding a finishing gloss to keep the chairs looking new for years to come. Stay tuned for the finished product!

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Igniting the imagination is the true starting point of every learning journey and touches all subjects. During a grade 5 Drama French workshop with our EMSB Drama Consultant, Nicolas Doyon, our students furthered their exploration of Commedia dell’Arte and allowed themselves to invent and play different characters.

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During Arts Week, our students wore their rain boots and participated in a Gumboots dance under the guidance of Mr. Sabra-ley Beugrey. The Gumboots dance taught students about African workers who sang as they labored under difficult working conditions, brought greater understanding of historical African culture and celebrated an inclusive school environment that respects human rights and embraces diverse cultures.

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