Bee Nature by Maya Abboud Naturopath
Naturopath Prevention and life style counseling, Nutrition (Food intolerances,nutrional deficiencies, dietary imbalances or nutritional excesses), applying appropriate dietary modification and nutritional supplements and botanical medicine.
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Treating the root of diseases.
I'm not surprised !
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Treat the root not the symptoms.
How To Stop Cravings - For Good. 8 simple strategies to apply ! Worth reading.
Learn biology
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The less processed foods in your diet, the better.
5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Show Up In Your Face
No Need Of Blood Tests For These
The Spin on Aspartame
When aspartame was first invented, the FDA wouldn't allow it in the public's food- animal testing had awful results. So why is it allowed in our food today? Find out why you should never eat (or drink) this artificial sweetener again.
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Apple cider vinegar is a very good natural detox and can help with many things including weight loss. Try out this detox tea: 1 cup warm water 2 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar 2 TBSP lemon juice 1 TBSP raw honey 1 TSP cinnamon dash of cayenne
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If you care about your loved ones! Don't give them Nutella. Bonne chance 🤗
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Pour être mince et en bonne santé n'essayez pas de manger moins de calories, manger plutôt des bonnes calories ! Manger Vivant 🌱
⛔️ Attention à la liste des ingrédients des thés/infusions que vous achetez dans le commerce. Bien souvent les industriels ajoutent des arômes chimiques pour donner du goût à leurs thé bas de gamme (qui sont déja bourrés de pesticides...) 🍵 Choisissez plutôt du bon thé bio de qualité ou des infusions "brut" et sans additif ! Manger Vivant 🌱