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Bee Vectoring Technology

, Mississauga, Canada



An organic, low cost, waterless crop delivery platform using commercially reared Bumblebees to deliver organic pesticides and plant promoters. BVT uses commercially reared Bumblebees as natural delivery mechanisms for specially developed powdered organic pesticides.

The Bumblebees walk through a natural, proprietary mix of powders in a specialist dispenser tray before leaving their hive and delivers these materials to each plant they visit, dropping spores of organic pesticides.

The process has been through 8 years of extensive field testing and is 100% natural – harmless to both bees and humans – uses no water or harmful pesticides and has been proven to increase crop yields by up to 20-50%. It has also been proven to increase shelf life of fruit by up to 50%.

The BVT system is able to deliver inoculum’s to crops continuously and thus has a wide application throughout agriculture in both greenhouses and open fields. This highly targeted approach also delivers minimal amounts and avoids the traditional drift and overspray which can cause environmental damage. In trials, 95% of the traditional pathogen control compound can be saved while still producing exceptional pathogen control results.


Hi-tech agriculture is freeing the farmer from his fields

Experts are predicting a fully automated farm in five years. The Guardian takes a look at the latest technology designed to help farmers do what they do best -

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BVT Fact: Did you know bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food you eat? #facts #bees #food

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Before and after. Results of the use of BVT organic inoculant on commercial strawberry plants, in comparison to conventional pest control methods. The BVT system is expected to deliver stronger plants and increased yields, as shown in the image. #BVTUSDemo #USDemo #BVT #Organic #bees

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Mechanical pollination rarely supplements bee pollination

Can Mechanically-Applied Pollen Substitute Bees? Answer - No #Bees #pollination #savethebees #tech

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The BVT organic inoculant tray, complete with bee tracks at our North Carolina demonstration site today. The bumblebees walk through the harmless organic inoculant powder before leaving the hive and deliver it to every flowering crops, such as strawberries, they visit via their natural pollination route. It is their buzzing that distributes the inoculant onto each flower they pollinate. #BVTUSDemo #USDemo #bees #organic

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A New Gig For Bees

Fantastic piece by Steven Savage on Forbes - 'A New Gig For Bees: Start-Up Enlisting Them To Deliver Pest Control Agents' -

Silicon Valley Meets America's Salad Bowl To Create The Farm Of The Future

Very interesting use of technology in agriculture, creating the farms of the future. -

Greenhouse February 2016

'Latest Buzz on Crop Protection' - thanks for the fantastic piece on our bumblebee crop protection technology Greenhouse Canada - #bees #crops #agriculture #tech

EU scientists review neonic pesticides linked to poor bee health -...

Further news on the use of conventional crop protection methods in Farmers Weekly. Following the review, the commission could decide to soften, tighten or change the conditions surrounding the use of conventional pesticides on crops considered attractive to bees -

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Our new BVT US demonstration site in sunny North Carolina. This 600 ft commercial strawberry hoop house is protected with bee delivered inoculation #BVTUSDemo #BVTDemo #USDemo #bees

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These Alaskan Vertical Farms Grow Fresh Produce--Even In January

A super idea. These vertical farms are showing promise for revolutionizing agriculture. Another great piece by Adele Peters at Co.Exist- #Agriculture #Farming #food #organic #produce

European bee-killing pesticides face ban in the US - New Europe

Further news on the use of conventional crop protection methods. New Europe has the inside scoop - #bees #crops #cropprotection


NEAR Bee Vectoring Technology