Anytime Fitness Kamloops offers 24/7 workout convenience allowing you to work out on your terms. Fitness has never been so easy! Anytime Fitness Kamloops is your only option when it comes to a supportive approach to health and holistic wellness. We believe the gym industry needs to evolve in the way it does business.
Its from within this passionate belief that we created our Wellness Exchange Program exclusive only to Anytime Fitness Kamloops and its members. Your membership gives you access to information and support at no additional cost from leading health care providers in Kamloops.
Our unique family culture is supportive and safe for any and all individuals who want get serious about caring for themselves, their families, and their community.
We're here to support you when you're ready to take charge of your health and importantly your whole body wellness.
Tell your friends
facebook.comDon’t forget being a member with Anytime Fitness Kamloops also gets you some great discounts with our community partners such as @sunglass_cove_aberdeenmall and their awesome 15% off 🙌 perfect for days like today when Sun’s our guns out is calling. we are more than just a #gym we are a #community #anytimefitness #anytimefitnesskamloops #weloveourmembers #weloveourpartners #g2hp #fitness #sunsoutgunsout #saturday
Getting back that confidence back is the key to success. Way to go Holly!
Oh Hi!!!! It’s #workouttipwednesday and @steve6827 has another great finisher for your work out. With the help of @bpatt98 we show you a series of barbell exercises to help change it up and keep it fresh. Do 6 Front Squat reps, 7 overhead press, 8 Bent over rows, 9 dead lifts and 10 back squats. Do 5 sets with a 2 minutes break in between. Suggested starting weight is 40-60lbs let us know how it goes 🙌 #anytimefitness #anytimefitnesskamloops #g2hp #weloveourmembers #welovesteve #gym #fitness #motivation #wednesday #kamloopsgyms #kamloopsbcnow #fittip #workout #routine #trainer
Pots of gold < Squats of gold
The kind of stuff we put up with in the office 🤷♂️ 😂 #anytimefitness #anytimefitnesskamloops #g2hp #weloveourmembers #davidisntflexingatall #gymlife #fuelkamloops #fitness
??? Tis the season when it is tempting to wear our street shoes into the gym but PLEASE DON'T DO IT!! We work hard to keep the gym clean and appreciate the members who respect our two shoe rule. #onlyyoucanpreventbadvibes #cleangymhappymembers
It's time to love your body. All the ifs, ands, and especially butts!
Don't get stuck in a rut. Here are some tips and tricks to shake things up!
Is the Keto Diet the KEy TO success? We've got the information you've been looking for.
Bros!, do you even lift? Cause the ladies sure do... May we be them, may we raise them, may we know them 💪🏽 #internationalwomensday #stillinternationalwomensday #ladieswholift #strongwomen #fittnessaddict #flexfriday @lovelyfitness_ss @strongbyliv_ @jennanunn_rhn @hendersonshirleeann @hollandjs @hollsbarksfitness @cosmetic
#fitfam 🙌 We’d like to take a moment to recognize the amazing #strength and #determination from some of our members, trainers and staff. Never stop being you and chasing those goals. #happyinternationalwomensday to everyone! Stay strong, stay fierce and stay you. @hendersonshirleeann @ubose_ @jennanunn_rhn @strongbyliv_ @lovelyfitness_ss #anytimefitness #anytimefitnesskamloops #g2hp #internationalwomensday #weloveourmembers #kamloopsbc #kamloops #kamloopsbcnow #cfjc #fitness #motivation #gymlife #shelifts