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Mental Health Support

35 Cheltonwood Ave., Guelph, Canada



Picture Your Life to create a healthy mind and soul is my book & can be used with Counseling Sessions or read on its own. What I believe in is sustainable, affordable effect mental health support.
My book Picture Your Life is a a practical manual that will enhance your life. I use this manual to help people have a life they value this creating magnificent mental health helping people face and cope with the pain life can put all of us through..
In this handbook, I describe four areas or frames of life and FRAMES exercises that have been designed to help keep life focused and clear. Here are the 4 frames:

Frame 1, Picturing a life with purpose and direction, focuses on life planning and goal setting.

Frame 2, Picturing a life with magnificent mental health helps us manage thoughts that trouble us and make us anxious, worried or depressed.

Frame 3, Picturing a life with loving relationships helps us deal with relationships in a loving manner, face conflicts or accept the reality of the personalities we live with.

Frame 4, Picturing a life of serenity helps us visualize a life filled with calm and peace, making our life as serine as it can be.

Each Frame contains practical concepts drawn from scientific and ancient wisdom literature that are supported by well-researched exercises.

If you would like to know a little about my past here it is!
Years ago I ran one of  Guelph’s first cognitive therapy group with Dr. Watt, former CEO of the Homewood Health Centre. I was a founding member of the first inter agency team that developed an effective community treatment approach for people with a variety of mental health issues in the community of Guelph (Trellis, now CMHA, and Homewood out-patient service).

Throughout my career, I have been involved in designing innovative programming. I was a founding member and have been at the forefront of educational and conference development in PSR Canada. My researched perspective has been proven to work for many years.

Before working at Homewood I was a brother in a religious order of contemplative monks for many years. This experience gave me a unique perspective that is faith-inspiring. While my approach is not religious, it builds faith and hope as we battle the shadows within. I only explore a faith perspective when requested.


Family Mental Health Support's cover photo

Family Mental Health Support's cover photo

Family Mental Health Support

Family Mental Health Support

Mental Health

Mental Health

Treatment For Panic Attacks Revealed!

Treatment for panic attacks cannot be a one solution fix. Panic is complex. Life is complex. So many things can happen and this is why treatment for panic attacks needs to outlined for the issue that is happening. I am writing 25 panic situation solutions for this blog to show how treatment for panic attacks works. This is panic situation solution # 13 and we are going to reveal how to deal with panic while getting lost while driving. [ 387 more words ]

Panic Disorders Can Be Resolved!

This is post # 12 of 25 focusing on panic disorders. I like to review Panic Situation Solutions because panic disorders can be complicated. Each situation is somewhat different. There are more Panic Situation Solutions on my blog. Go to the bottom of the page to Filed Under and click on the blue word panic. The one we are going to deal with today is being stuck in a meeting at work and feeling like things are really getting out of control. [ 350 more words. ]


Alcohol Rehab Programs </div>

Symptoms Of Panic Disorder

Let’s review symptoms of panic disorder and give a clear example of how symptoms of panic disorder show themselves and give a Panic Situation Solution. This is # 11 of 25 Panic Situation Solutions. The one we are going to show is how to deal with is feeling trapped in a checkout line! You’re in the checkout line and people are lined up behind you. [ 312 more words. ]

How To Prevent Panic Attacks

How to prevent panic attacks depends on what we are experiencing. Let’s explore how to prevent panic attacks when we have to speak in a large group like a family reunion. This is # 10 of 25 Panic Situation Solutions that I have posted each one focusing on a different reality. Sometimes we may feel trapped in large groups and think we may just lose it! [ 267 more words. ]

Causes Of Anxiety Attacks

Causes of anxiety attacks are many this is why I like to explore Panic Situation Solutions. The causes of anxiety attacks vary depending on the situation. This is # 9 of 25 Panic Situation Solutions that I have posted each one focusing on a different reality. We are going to focus on one that just happened to me: Getting stopped by the police while I was driving! [ 477 more words. ]

Causes of Panic Attacks Explored

Causes of panic attacks will be explained. What is important to note is the causes of panic attacks are countless. It all depends on who you are. What is your back ground? What work do you do? Who do you hang around with? This is why I like to review Panic Situation Solutions. This post is # 7 of 25 and will talk about fear of flying. [ 334 more words. ]

What is Panic Attack Explained

What is panic attack will be explained. This is post # 6 of 25 Panic Situation Solutions. There many ways to explain what is panic attack: This is why I like to outline Panic Situation Solutions. Each circumstance is different. PLEASE SEEK SUPPORT! I am here and can be contacted at the bottom of the page. Other posts on what is panic attack are posted as well please click on the blue word panic by filed under at the end of the page. [ 226 more words. ]

What Is Panic Disorder Explained

What is panic disorder will be explained. This is post # 5 of 25 Panic Situation Solutions. There many ways to explain what is panic disorder. This is why I like to outline Panic Situation Solutions. Each circumstance is different. PLEASE SEEK SUPPORT! I am here and can be contacted at the bottom of the page. Other posts on what is panic disorder are posted as well please click on the blue word panic by filed under at the end of the page. [ 253 more words. ]


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