Meridian Research International is a Canadian firm that is specialized in environmental and public health research. MRI offers a wide range of services in the fields of epidemiology, environmental and public health, risk assessment/management as well as statistical data analysis, database management and training. Our team of experts works actively with clients to provide them with research support using an evidence based approach.
Our clients are from different sectors, including academia, the public or private sector, and are located in Canada as well as other parts of the world.
For more information on our services, please contact us or visit our website at
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Simple things you can do to save the earth
ADHD associated with unhealthy diet in pregnancy
ADHD associated with unhealthy diet in pregnancy "New research emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy, after finding children with conduct disorder in early life may be more likely to develop symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder if their mother consumes a high-fat, high-sugar diet while expecting". More detials in the link below:
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Get the most out of iron-rich foods like dark green leafy vegetables and beans #healthtip
How Big Data Is Changing Healthcare
Have you been hearing a lot lately about big data and how they will change the way research is done in healthcare? Click on the link to find out what big data is and how it is changing healthcare!
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We often hear of the amazing health benefits of fasting, but rarely are the facts presented supported by scientific research. A review of studies that looked at benefits of religious fasting (both Ramadan and Lent) suggests that health benefits depend on 1) quantity of food and 2) quality/choice of food fasters make when breaking their fast. See link for full review:
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What SPF sunscreen should you use? It depends on your skin color and how long you plan to stay in the sun.
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Although some sunlight is good for you, too much exposure is harmful. Ensure that you are protected from UV rays with sunscreen when planning to spend time in the sun!
Posts about bad effects of gadgets at kids on A Blog About Technology Updates
"This addiction of gadgets is deeply affecting the social and personal skills of our kids. It is noticed that a youngster may be expert at texting but poor at real communication with someone face-to-face". read more at
Slideshow: 19 Habits That Wreck Your Teeth
Can green tea boost your brainpower?
Here are more amazing benefits of green tea.
Hyperactivity in children linked to plastic additive, BPA — Environmental Health News
children’s BPA exposure may alter brain development and lead to behavior problems such as reduced attention and hyperactivity. BPA—used to make plastic hard and shatterproof and to extend the shelf life of canned food—can leach out of can linings and into the food. The study of 460 children across the U.S. aged 8 to 15 years old found that 11 percent of those with BPA levels higher than the median level had ADHD.
Air pollution a major contributor to stroke, new study finds
Studies have consistently linked air pollution to illness and death. This recent studies links air pollution to strokes. If you lived in a polluted city, would you move to different location for the sake of your health?