Instruction in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Lyrical Contemporary with recreational, competitive and examination opportunities. Ages 3 to adult Mission
We support a Vision of "Building Character in People Through Quality Dance Education"
Our Mission is to deliver a high quaility of dance instruction in all major stage disciplines for children and adults alike. We Believe all students should feel capable and confident so positive motivational techniques are used to impart training through recognized national dance syllabus in a safe family friendly atmosphere by highly trained adult instructors. We believe that if the process is being done correctly, there is no reason to hide it, so nothing is done behind closed doors and viewing of all classes is available to parents at all times. All Choreography, Costuming and Music is age appropriate.
Move With Grace Studios was incorporated in April 2004 with a clear vision that we would be different. A focus group of industry professionals and parents was consulted in the construction of the concept looking to what works well in a typical dance studio and looking to improve on those ideas, but more importantly, what does not work well and how we could create a better dance facility.
Several unique propositions were adopted and Move With Grace was born. Some key areas of differentiation:
Teachers, the process, the class, the student - all can be observed at all times.
Children should be treated with respect. There is no need to motivate using punative approaches, regardless of how it has traditionally been done. There is no yelling or isolating students to make a point at our studio.
The instruction will not be imparted by an unqualified or underage individual. All of our teachers will be qualified adults.
Not every teacher is good at everything, set the ego aside. Dance Studios typically have one owner teacher that does just about everything. There are very few teachers that can truely be considered experts in all forms of dance. We hire for attitude and specialization. With 10 staff we have both specialized expertise in all of the areas we teach but also enough redundancy to cover when the main teacher is not available.
We will be part of your Child's influence, so we approach the process as a whole experience. Age appropriate music, costuming, choreography and behaviour is used at all times.
1800 sqft brand new professionally appointed and air conditioned dance studio with sprung dance floors.
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This is so true!
Black Widow Contemporary
Black widow
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Acro girls look at those straight legs -- YOU CAN DO IT!!! Work hard - see you in class!
Dying Embers - Acrobatics Duet|Move With Grace Dance Studio Cambridge 2014
Little acro throw back be sure to watch till 2:28 OH and Emma and Chantelle where 12 when they did this :)
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We are constantly striving to Magnify strengths within our own children and the children within our studio family . All children have gifts, some are flexible, some are strong, some are sensitive others are leaders. We look at each child as an individual. Jim and I have 3 kids who all are unique and special- If you would like to tell me how AWESOME your child is and discuss how they would fit into a Move with Grace program I would love to talk to you.
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Wow that's all I can say
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Did you know Miss Robyn has two wiener dogs? They are not Ballerwieners .... these guys just crack me up Have a great day!!
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Magnify strengths and Minimize weakness - Every day every way Confident kids ... that is the MWG way!
You Should Know Ballerinas Are More Hardcore Than You
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How cute is this one!!! Love little dancers
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Life is short ... buy the shoes!!!
Move With Grace Dance Studio
The Power of Words "The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice." - Peggy O'mara. Surfing Facebook this week I saw this quote and it really resonated with me. We all know this to be true but holding ourselves accountable to constantly monitor our speech must become for most of us a concious decision. Not that any of us intend to snap at our children but when you are exhausted from working and cleaning all day and they come in, drop their coat in the hall, throw the book bag on the living room couch, forget to take their shoes off tracking mud all over the floor you scrubbed this afternoon, and leave the wrapper from the granola bar on the kitchen counter. Most of us are ready to blow! Often the impulse to speak harshly depends on your mood or your day. How did your boss speak to you today? How did that client react to you being late for the meeting? Did your husband show gratitude for the meal you spent hours making? Then the kids demand. Did you wash my jeans for tonight? Are you driving me to dance? Can I have $20? Easy to take it out on them with out even realizing. I am not placing judgement here. I have been this parent. I am sure if we are honest we all have. You may feel a little spent, too tired to "watch your words." However words have a tremendous amount of power. They have the power to unite nations, build people up, or tear them down. Remember pretty woman? "The bad stuff is easier to believe." We as parents and coaches and teachers need to fill our kids so full with positive speech and images of themselves that no one can tear them down. Now I am not saying tell them they are the best at something that they are not ... Always be impecable with your word and speak towards truth and love and you will never go wrong. I also believe that we must adopt an "it takes a village" mentality to make the quote successful. Teachers, coaches and mentors words can many times have almost as much of an impact on a developing child as a parent. I know that the many of the values and believes I have came from teachers and coaches. I distintly remember my grade 10 history teacher asking me if I had ever considered becoming a teacher because he thought I would be good at it. My dance teacher started using me as an assistant in the classroom when I was 14 and constantly told me what a good teacher I would be. Due to their words and encouragement I never doubted my ability to teach however the opposite could have easily been said to me and my life would have taken a very different direction. Often it is not what we say to the children or people around us but how we word it. Anthony Robbins calls this Neuro Lingustic programming and he is a fasinating read if you get the time. Here are a few very simplistic examples of turning negative statements into positive ones: Instead of saying "Don't slam the door," say "please close the door gently." Instead of saying "Stop running in the lobby," say " Please use your walking feet." Instead of saying "Stop making so much noise," say "Please be a little more quiet" These are not statements in the negative that are going to cause a child to go down a bad path but it is just a little change in wording that brings a positive spin on the situation and may perhaps defuse the negative energy. If you want to test yourself try this. Give your self a one week negativity diet. Trust me this will be the most difficult diet you will every take on. No negative thoughts about yourself, your house, your bills, your child's eating habits, or that barking dog next door. Find a way for one week to turn everything into a positive. Be grateful. Above all be kind to yourself. We parents are working hard and loving our kids. Thank you for entrusting your children to me as their teacher! I promise to do my best to look at the positive in each child.
Love my babies
